
    16. When I am busy, I will only purchase by plan?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    17. When I am under heavy pressure, I have no mood to shop?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    18. When I have no time or money, I won’t purchase?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    19. I will be affected by the background music on the website?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    20. I will be affected by the design of website?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    21. I can resist the temptation of promotion? 
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    22. If the product in online shop is cheaper than in entity shop, I will purchase on impulse? 
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    23. I often buy more products because of promotion?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    24. Network promotion has no influence on my purchasing behavior?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    25. Whether the discount of the products would influence your purchase?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    26. You would have the desire to buy if you have coupons?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    27. You would buy a lot for discount?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    28. I would be eager to buy the products with luck draw?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
  1. 上一篇:大学生网上冲动性购买行为调查问卷
  2. 下一篇:大学生宿舍人际关系现状调查问卷
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  2. 街头游园设计

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  7. Toeplitz定理及其应用+文献综述

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  9. 货币国际化国内外研究现状

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