With the rapid development of the advertising industry, in order to make English ad has a special appeal, can cause the reader’s attention in an instant, affecting people’s values, even about people’s life styles and stimulate their desire to buy, and eventually buying behavior, many English ads changed from a single business practices to “Business-aesthetic” behavior。

One purpose of English language advertising is that aesthetic, but more important is to give people information about products and services, attract attention and stimulate people’s consumption。 In this respect, advertising English has a dual nature, on the one hand is applied while on the other hand is the aesthetic (literature and art)。

English advertising uses the language to persuade and to draw the reader’s attention and arouse their purchase desire with its artistic features and unique language 。 A successful advertising has left behind not only a visual impact, sound effects, there should be more refined, vivid advertisements make people happy and memorable read。 Thus, the advertising language must be succinct, vivid, jumping and strong, and full of emotional appeal。 The rhetoric is more than English advertising purposes as best medium。 Rhetoric is about the body of principles and theory having to do with the presentation of facts and ideas in clear, convincing, and attractive language。 The study of rhetoric is usually on literature, especially on classic literature。 But this paper concentrates on advertising and studies rhetoric from a more practical point of view。

The actual total number of figures of speech is a dry matter of definition over which academics may argue。 No matter how many, they are usually pided into three categories:

a)Lexical figures of speech。

b)Syntactical figures of speech。

c)Phonetic figures of speech。 ( Yang 12 )

II。Lexical Figures of Speech 

2。1 Simile

Simile is the rhetoric language used in advertising to make consumers understand the products, familiar with the brand, so there is more vivid understanding of the specific nature of the advertised goods。 It is nice to read and easy to accept。 Simile tends to compare two different things, understand to say both in one or several aspects of the similarities, commonly used word metaphor such as “Like”, “as”, “as if”, “as though”, etc。 The copywriter can make his ideas more clear and vivid, cast new light on a familiar object so as to leave a striking impression on the reader by making comparison of familiar objects out of people’s expectation。文献综述

Simile is a widely used rhetoric device in advertising English and here are some examples。

Fly smooth as silk。 (Thai Airways Co。 Ltd。) This advertisement uses silk gently smooth to describe the characteristics of aircraft flying smoothly and smoothly and led to a wonderful journey daydream。

Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine。 Orange juice is so special, who isn’t willing to drink orange juice at breakfast? This advertisement is unique。

Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud。 The clothing advertising is just right for “as a breeze” and “as a cloud”, vivid, appropriate, making the clothing with the characteristics of soft concrete image showed, so as to stimulate consumer desire to buy。

A good neighbor state, farm is there。 (State like Insurance)。 Here compared the State Farm Insurance Company to a good neighbor, as an old saying goes: “a distant relative is not as close as a neighbor” in China。 So the Chinese people are very able to understand the connotation of this metaphor。 

Feather water: light as a feather。 This is an advertising of glasses which uses a metaphor for a pair of glasses with a feather weight, most people like their glasses more lighter, so it can be translated into law watt glasses---as light as a feather。来:自[优E尔L论W文W网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















