
    nomic in nature. However, there may be  some activities  that would not be
    included.  A corporation's  actions would  fall outside of the economic domain  if
    (i)  they are not intended  to maximize profit (or minimize loss) when a more
    profitable  alternative  exists, or  (ii) they are  engaged  in without  any  real  consid-
    eration of  the possible  economic consequences to  the firm. In terms of  the
    outcome or results,  if the activity produces  a decline in profits or share  value,
    this may  be an  indication  of a non-economic  motive,  but may  also merely  repre-
    sent a flawed business decision (and  the action would  still be considered  to fall
    within  the economic domain).
    Legal  Domain
    The  legal category  of CSR pertains  to the business  firm's  responsiveness  to
    legal expectations mandated  and expected by  society  in  the form of  federal,
    state, and  local jurisdictions,  or through  legal principles  as developed  in case
    law.  In  this context,  legality may  be viewed  in  terms  of three  general  categories:
    (1) compliance,  (2) avoidance  of civil litigation,  and  (3) anticipation  of the  law.
    The  first  legal category,  compliance,  can  be  further  sub-pided  into  three  types:
    passive,  restrictive,  and  opportunistic.  The  first  type of compliance  is of a pas-
    sive  or accidental  nature  the company  is doing what  it wants  and  just happens
    to be complying with  the  law. For  example,  if the speed  limit  is fifty-five miles
    per hour and one drives at or below fifty-five miles per hour  because one be-
    lieves  it is  safer to do so and not because of  the speed limit, one is passively ally  motivated. complying with  the  law.  If there  is a safety standard  for a certain  product  that  a
    company  would have adhered  to even if the  legal requirement  did not exist, the
    company  is in a passive compliance  mode.  If the motivations  of the corporation
    are being analyzed by the newly proposed model, passive compliance by the
    corporation,  due to its unintentional  nature,  would place it outside  of the legal
    domain.  This would be the case despite such motives being potentially  labeled
    as legal under  Carroll's  Pyramid  Model. If outcomes  were being analyzed,  the
    corporation  would fall within  the legal domain  even if it passively or acciden-
    tally complied with  the  law.
    The second  type of compliance,  referred  to as restrictive  compliance,  occurs
    when  a corporation  is legally compelled  to do something  that  it would  not  other-
    wise want  to do. If one  is in a hurry  and  would  like to drive  sixty-five miles per
    hour  but  one does not do so because  of the  fifty-five miles per  hour  speed  limit,
    one is  restrictavely  or intentionally  complying with the law. The payment  of
    taxes, tariffs  or duties is  often done reluctantly  and, therefore,  restrictively.
    Although a company may want to pollute at higher  levels  or sell goods with
    fewer safety warnings,  the  law may  prohibit  it from  doing  so, leading  to restric-
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