
    reinforcement, but featured di€erent concrete formula-
    tions and di€erent tendon pretension levels. Beam 1
    su€ered from a design calculation error and failure of
    some prestressing tendons, but was salvaged as a useful
    test specimen. Fiberglass rebar was used for shear
    reinforcement in Beam 1, and was also used in a shear-
    critical region of Beam 2, the remainder of which
    featured steel shear reinforcement. This section docu-
    ments the material properties, beam design, beam
    fabrication, and beam testing. A discussion of the test
    results is included.
    3.1. Materials
    The composite prestressing material was Leadline
    cable, manufactured by the Mitsubishi Kasei of Japan.Leadline cable features unidirectional carbon ®bers in
    an epoxy matrix. Surface deformations are milled into
    the surface in a helical pattern. Manufacturer-supplied
    properties and characteristics of Leadline are shown
    in Table 1. The epoxy matrix has a glass transition
    temperature, Tg, of 120°C (248°F).
    Marshall Industries of Lima, Ohio, manufactured the
    composite rebar shear stirrups used in the program. The
    composite rebar, named C-Barä, is fabricated using a
    continuous hybrid pultrusion/compression molding
    process. C-Bar consists of an inner core of unidirectional
    E-Glass ®bers embedded in a PET matrix, and an outer
    layer composed of sheet molding compound with
    chopped ®ber mats embedded in urethane-modi®ed
    vinyl ester. Uniform deformations on the surface inhibit
    longitudinal movement of the bar. According to the
    manufacturer, tests have shown that C-Bar resists de-
    Manufacturer-supplied properties of Leadline CFRP cable
    Characteristic Leadline GA-D10
    Matrix material Epoxy
    Carbon ®ber volume
    Cable diameter 10 mm 0.394 in
    Nominal cross-section area 71.8 mm3
    0.1113 in2
    Intact cross-section area
    69.5 mm2
    0.1075 in2
    Ultimate tensile load 186 kN 41 000 lb
    Ultimate tensile stress 2600 MPa 377 ksi
    Longitudinal thermal
    0.68 ´ 10ÿ6
    /°C 0.38 ´ 10ÿ6
    Longitudinal Young's
    147 GPa 21.4 Msi
    Extension at break 1.60%
    Matrix material 1.6gradation when exposed to deicing salts, seawater, and
    wastewater. Table 2 provides the mechanical properties
    of C-Bar, obtained from product literature. C-Bar can
    be fabricated with curves having a 51 mm inside radius,
    where all curves must be in the same direction (no
    reversed curves or S-shapes). #4 bar steel (414 MPa
    yield strength) shear stirrups were also used in the pro-
    gram, as described in Section 3.3.
    Two di€erent high-strength concrete formulations
    were used to fabricate the two beams. Twenty-eight day
    compressive strength cylinder tests showed a compres-
    sive strength of 86.3 MPa for the ®rst beam and
    71.1 MPa for the second beam. Mix designs, formulated
    by Anderson Concrete of Columbus, Ohio, are provided
    in Table 3.
    3.2. Design and ultimate strength analysis
    This section documents the procedures used to obtain
    the prestressing and shear reinforcement speci®cations
    for the nominal test beam design, and to predict the
    ultimate strength capacity of the as-built beams. Two
    beams were built during the program. Using the nomi-
    nal material properties for Leadline cable and assuming
    69.0 MPa compressive strength for the concrete, the
    prestressing for ®rst beam (Beam 1) was designed.
    During fabrication of Beam 1, breakage of several
    prestressing tendons occurred, as described in Section
    3.3. The second beam (Beam 2) was then fabricated
    using a lower target pretension value for the tendons.
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