
    Illness, referred to as BRI are two types of indoor environment on the health
    effects. Whether it is Sick Building Syndrome or Building Related Illness, we can
    improve indoor air quality by improving the living environment, thereby reducing
    the incidence of these symptoms.
    Only take reasonable measures to develop science-based prevention programs
    and countermeasures on the basis of the sources of pollutants can we ensure good
    indoor air quality. Enhancing interior ventilation to ensure the ventilation and fresh
    air in a certain period of time is the most important measures [7]. Of course indoor
    air quality assessment must have the appropriate standards, and the implementa-
    tion of our ‘‘indoor air quality standards’’ have been since March 1, 2003, which is
    the basis of the indoor air quality evaluation. With the development of science andtechnology and the emergence of new research, we must revise the existing
    standards and supplement in order to meet the current requirements. Biological
    pollution is one of the main types of indoor air pollution, mainly referring to the
    pollution caused by bacteria, viruses, mold, dust mites, pollen, spores, and cock-
    roaches. The quality of biological pollution levels for indoor air quality is more
    important evaluation index, and the attention in this regard is not enough.
    This article selects the number of bacteria and composition of the important
    indicators of indoor pollution as the object of comparative study of air quality of
    naturally ventilated rooms and air-conditioned rooms in hotels.
    52.3 Research Methods and Findings
    52.3.1 The Objects of Study
    Select Xingjia Hotel in Wuxing as the study sites, 5 air-conditioning rooms and
    5 tural ventilation rooms, and their areas are 25 m2
    (5 * 5 m), volume is 72.5 m3
    their internal facilities are basically the same.
    52.3.2 Research Methods
    In each room, select the appropriate test points, and the detection point is set based
    on room construction area in the middle between 0.9 and 1.3 m. Total number of
    bacteria is determined in accordance with the commonly used methods of bacterial
    detection, by the use of ordinary plate storm drain sedimentation method and the
    prepared ordinary agar medium was placed in the detection point, storm drain
    4–5 min, then in accordance with the requirements, finish the research and bring it
    back to calculate the total number of bacteria in the laboratory, and cultured for
    48 h at 37 C.
    In per cubic meter, the total number of bacteria is N
    3:14r2  100  5
    3 ; N is Petri
    dish of bacteria landing number; 3.14 r
    is plate area, t is the exposure time
    (minutes). In two detections, one is detection when cleaning, and another is
    detection after cleaning.
    52.3.3 The Detection Time
    Noted the time of the hotel guests to get up, to ensure that does not affect the
    guests to rest and to get true test data, which is scheduled in the time between 8:00
    and 10:00 am.52.3.4 The Test Results
    Detect when the temperature and humidity inside the hotel room was measured
    according to the detection and calculation the total number of bacteria of natural
    ventilation and air conditioning room at different times, which are shown in
    Tables 52.1 and 52.2.
    52.4 Results Analysis
    52.4.1 Preliminary Analysis
    According to test results it is clear that bacteria of the air-conditioned room
    number are higher than naturally ventilated rooms. Figures 52.1 and 52.2 are
    excessive bacteria control curves in air-conditioned and natural ventilation rooms
    before and after cleaning.
    After analysis, the bacteria number in the room will change as time changes,
    whether it is air-conditioned room or naturally ventilated rooms, and the excessive
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