control intermediate stores (kanban system), and in addi-
    tion, it allows improving the material flow between work-
    stations to obtain a more flexible process, optimising the
    job of each workstation (milkrun). Every 2 months, a new
    VSM is checked and metrics are recalculated and analyzed
    to control improvements.
    4 Manufacture and product description
    The product is a combustible injection valve called EV6.
    This paper deals with the assembly process of three main
    components of the valve: the stem, the cup, and the needle
    with a major pursuit of the cup due to its machining
    The major process steps in manufacturing are sketched
    in Fig. 1. To emphasize that washing machine #2 is the
    same as washing machine #1, they are named with different
    numbers to avoid difficulty in understanding the order of
    activities. All the parts of EV6 are received in production
    area #1 where they are stored. It is necessary that it undergo
    full decontamination, demagnetization, and washing before
    the assembly. Area #2 includes three main subassemblies at
    different workstations. Subassembly processes have several
    stages which are carried out in automatic and independent
    workstations that do not permit a continuous materials flow.
    Finally, after subassembly tasks, 20 stations with a
    continuous materials flow compose the assembly line.
    5 Initial value stream mapping
    Initial conditions for the analysis of the VSM of March
    appear in Fig. 2. This state is based on the cup because it is
    the component that requires the longest trip inside the
    factory: before the subassembly, there are two machining
    processes and two washes. The production of the cups is a
    push system due to the two machining process that they are
    always producing and storing parts. The flow of informa-
    tion and WIP are described as follows (see Figs. 1 and 2).
    The central factory in Germany is at the same time the
    main supplier and final customer of the valves plant. Every
    4 weeks, the factory introduces, in a computerized system,
    the material requirements for the manufacture. In parallel,
    Fig. 1 Manufacturing line
    Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 43:949–958 951an external store is sent an electronic order about the
    mailing that is going to realize the factory in German. The
    German factory is about 2,500 km from external store,
    located near Madrid, and mailing is realized once a week.
    The external store is 6 km from Madrid and there is mailing
    by truck every 2 h. Cups are stored as raw material at
    machining #1 workstation in shelves very close to it. This
    machining has a feeder in which the cups settle to be
    machined. Cups in the feeder are considered stock and two
    parts is the lot size. Machined cups settle in containers to
    lead the washer. After that, the cups are washed in the
    preassembly washer following first in first out (FIFO), and
    still following FIFO, go to machining #2. This installation
    is close to the first machining (approximately 50 m) and
    near the preassembly washer. The lot size is two parts
    again. Machined cups settle in containers to lead the
    washing machine #2 (see Fig. 1) and they remain in the
    supermarket of the washing machine #2 until they are
    processed. The machining processes require 14 and 9 s per
    piece, respectively. There is a continuous work of 24 h/day,
    which implies that everyday about 2,500–3,000 cups are
    ready, when the daily demand is about 1,800 valves. So,
    there is an overstock of machined cups caused by the push
    production system.
    In the washing process, the lot size is 2,464 and the time
    of step is always the same because the process time is
    unique regardless of the lot size. Under a FIFO order, parts
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