
      (ii) The results yielded by the application of the proposed SAM (MII , VII , NI I.r , NI I.c, dII) are always conservative and quite accurate (very few errors exceed 5%). Moreover, all the second-order bending moments are practically exact

    (no error above 2% and almost all of them below 1%).

      (iii) The  value (iii1) always increases with the frame span L, (iii2) decreases when the rafters inertia grows (except for the pinned-base frames, for which   remains unaltered) and (iii3) greatly increases with the column base stiffness kc (much higher   values in fixed-base frames).源-自/优尔+文,论`文'网]www.youerw.com

      (iv) Because of a combination of high   and low FS/FAS values, the amplification of the symmetrical sway component is considerably more relevant in fixed-base frames. This relevance decreases as the stiffness kc is reduced and becomes minimal for pinned-base frames. Thus, one observes that: (iv.1) Incorporating MSS in MN S leads to second-order moment estimates MI I.1 (Eq. (19)) that are slightly unsafe in pinned-base frames (3%–5% errors) and quite unsafe in fixed-base frames (13%–22% errors). One then concludes that neglecting the MSS amplification often implies significantly unsafe bending moment estimates.

    Validation of the proposed SAM: influence of   (L = 30 m, IPE360, kc =6800 kN m)

    Validation of the proposed SAM: no horizontal loads, i.e., HEd = 0 (L = 20 m,IPE300,   = 10

      (iv.2) Incorporating MSS in MAS leads to second-order moment estimates MI I.2 Eq. (20) that are practically exact in fixed-base frames (0%–3% errors) and very conservative in pinned-base frames (12%–21% errors)—of course, an intermediate situation occurs for semi-rigid frames. Then, one concludes that wrongly amplifying MSS often implies excessively conservative bending moment estimates.

      (v) All the conclusions and/or remarks included in the previous items remain qualitatively valid when the rafters slope value is changed (see Table 4).

    (vi) In the absence of applied horizontal loads (HEd = 0 – seeTable 5) and regardless of the approach adopted (MI I.1 or MI I.2), the SAM prescribed by EC3-ENV and EC3-EN may yield rather inaccurate second-order moment estimates (the errors of MI I.1 and MI I.2 may exceed 20%).no amplification Note also that, because one has MAS = 0, EC3 prescribes— thus, it probably makes no sense to consider MI I.2 in this case (one would take MEd   MI ).





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