Industrial Cluster and Urbanization Based on Externality一、Externality produced industrial agglomeration centripetal force

As early as in the era of Marshall had on the industrial cluster research Investigate. Marshall explained based on the external economy of enterprise in the same location centralized phenomenon. He found that the external economy and the close relationship of industrial clusters, think that industrial cluster is the external cause. Marshall externality theory about the origins of the industrial cluster theory, become the formation mechanism of industry cluster analysis of classic, known as the "externalities" Marshall. Since Marshall (1890) proposed that the industrial cluster, and points out that the three famous reasons (labor market share, specialized inputs and technology service, knowledge spillover), industrial cluster and its reason, influence has been the focus of economists study. Different schools from different assumptions, through different research methods, many meaningful results are drawn. Each school achieved consensus is: externality is the driving force of industrial agglomeration. Here we mainly from the two aspects of monetary externalities and technical externalities to discusses the externality of the industrial cluster.58562

(一) monetary externalities.

We believe that the monetary externalities led to the industrial cluster through the following several aspects: (1) labor the market share. Due to historical and accidental factors, a company somewhere bottom, in the place of labor has a huge attraction jobs, development opportunities and pay higher labor force elements,And trained workers with professional knowledge and technology of a large number of sets, and other employers in the looking for in the workforce supply and the demand.Here is the combination of early become the source of enterprises "cluster". And with the after due to path dependence and cumulative causal effect, the labor market share caused the enterprise gathering activities. Save labor market share the enterprise the labor factor costs, search costs and training time and search time. Professional technical workers can through a variety of other enterprises.Method using off-the-shelf specialization of labor can make the enterprise concentrate on the production. Since Marshall, Labour market share become one of the basic factors for the formation of industrial clusters, it is right special labor supply and demand to promote the enterprise in space group. This cluster both reduces the probability of unemployment of workers, also make sure that the manufacturer both in the "good times" and in "bad times" the power supply. This potential supply and demand relationship and strengthen the existing industrial cluster.(2) the specialized pision of labor and specialization of inputs form a network of social pision of labor of specialization, the personnel training, the establishment of sales network, reduce transportation cost, the supply of raw materials into all the specialized pision of labor. The height of the development of the specialization and socialization, it is possible to form a regional incubator of new products, new technology, the latest technology at home and abroad will be gathered in the area, thus forming a virtuous circle mechanism of the development of enterprise clusters. By deepening the professional pision of labor, and on the basis of pision of labor.set up close cooperative relations, all can make to improve enterprise competitiveness, so as to promote the competitiveness of the industry cluster, promote regional economic development. Specialized inputs including proprietary equipment, raw materials, services, etc., due to the industrial enterprises in the center of the huge demand for raw materials, intermediate inputs and services. This demand reflected in the market's price (up), obtained by entrepreneurs of sharp, make related industries in the region. This to is for economic reasons:the first is to save the transportation cost; Secondly from nearby center industry, access to market information quickly and accurately; Finally, this to reduce the transaction cost and easy access to professionals. Due to adapt to the local rules, the risk of trading, transaction cost reduction, and because people get to know each other, convenient communication and exchanges, trading work more likely.(3) low cost sharing public facilities. It is because of a large number of enterprise cluster, makes the inpidual company burden of public facilities costs down. Public facilities demand on can make impossible into possible, original also makes possible input gain economies of scale, thus promoting industrial economic externalities. If the government can directly set up scientific research institutions or subsidies for scientific research institutions, through preferential policy or funding to encourage some test equipment, instruments, such as the establishment of the professional services firm, establish professional trading market, and so on. Enterprise through the use of public facilities, reduce the additional funding required scattered layout, and use the geographic proximity to save material and information flows between the transfer of cost, agglomeration economy. Monetary externalities with positive feedback mechanism, the industrial concentration in a particular region, the external effect will make the new enterprises to enter the area location choice factors, so as to promote the further development of cluster as a whole, have a greater external economic effect.
















