(2)the industrial cluster to promote the urbanization process by improving the city's competitiveness.

Industrial cluster share enterprises within the industrial cluster external economy, scope economy, scale economy benefit, to set within the group of the enterprise competition ability. NaZhu, reasonable pision of labor of industry and industrial cluster with improve the anti-risk ability of the industry, and improve the viability of the industry, thus promoting the improvement of the competitiveness of industry cluster, but also promote the development of regional economy and the improvement of competitive power. Is the most important content of urbanization, urban development and industry is the main body of urban economy, the existence of industrial clusters will promote the competitiveness of the industry, promote the development of the industry, as the urbanization provides a solid economic foundation, so as to effectively promote the urbanization process. Industrial clusters rooted by the region will form a growth

very long, not only can absorb capital and technology worldwide, also to the surrounding areas have the effect of pushing stimulation, thus is conducive to promoting regional and urban economic development and improve competitiveness. The improvement of urban competitiveness is the advance of urbanization process. On the one hand, urban development is the important content of urbanization. The improvement of urban competitiveness, on the other hand, make stronger resources cities attract, control ability, provide more benefits for the urban residents. In this way, the various elements and population will continue to flow to the competitive city, before as part of the city scale, this process is a virtuous cycle: the improvement of urban competitiveness, and so did the city economic growth, and economic growth makes the city can provide more employment opportunities and benefits, so as to attract more Labour to enter

(3) the industrial cluster promote the urbanization process.

City as an "economic landscape", is essentially spatial agglomeration economy. Agglomeration economy including similar companies within the same industry gathered the localization of economy and urbanization economies in different industries companies gathered more. Local economy refers to a kind of industrial agglomeration economy, which is located in a certain region within a particular industry gathered and formed by the industry of similar enterprises expand and produce cost savings. Local economy is essentially a kind of typical space on external economies of scale. Urbanization economy refers to multiple industry more class enterprise agglomeration economy, namely multiple industries concentrated in cities, Shared infrastructure, public service is the interests, external economies of scale, external economies of scope, and externality of technology spillover and brand. So that assume a homogeneous land, labor, production factors, the factor and product markets are in perfect competition conditions, the economic benefits of enterprises in order to obtain externality, there will be a choice for joint in a place production tendency, the enterprise employees in order to reduce the cost and time will choose to live near the company, such as forming a concentration of the population. Enterprise and population concentration for other related industries (such as upstream and downstream industry and related supporting services, etc.) to produce a great social demand, so as to attract more enterprises, in this population agglomeration, the economic benefits of externality of to share. The result is the formation of the city, urbanization began. Mills and Hamilton pided the process into two levels: if the economies of scale exist in some kind of economic activity, so engaged in the economic activities of economic subject in an attempt to gain economies of scale must be somewhere (specific location choice depends on the nature of economic activity and the content) for mass production, this is the local economic activity or localization (Lo - calization) process. The employees of the economic subject in order to avoid commuting costs and settled in nearby, thus cause the concentration of population (demand), under the demand points to some of the relevant economic activities and their employees also nearby location (overcome transportation costs and commuting costs). Together of the population and economic activities and yield positive external effects. Agglomeration economy even appealed to those who has nothing to do with the initial activity of the population and economic activities to further gathered themselves together, and thus began the process of Urbanization (Urbanization). Industry in urban spatial agglomeration also enhanced the autofrettage dynamic mechanism of the evolution of the city continues to cause the extension and expansion of urban area.

















