The insertion task  had been implemented before using an industrial  robot  and  a compliant force-torque sensor [lo]. This experiment in addition focused on the auto- matic  tracking of the motor block by image processing. Despite  a well  tuned  Cartesian  force controller,  the insertion process had  to be performed much slowlier, because of  the well known control problems which oc- cur in case of  hard contacts with conventional robots. In this context,  the advantage of  a compliant manip ulator became clear. Thus  it  is our strong belief  that  torque  controlled light-weight robots may bring  significant advantages, not  only in  applications which demand mobility, and hence  low masses, but  also for  applications requiring manipulation  in contact with unknown environments. Conclusions Three different approaches  for  implementing  com- pliant manipulation were  analyzed:  impedance,  stiff- ness and admittance control.  A  new controller  struc- ture was  proposed,  which  consists  of  an  impedance controller  enhanced  by  local stiffness  control.  The presented methods were  implemented  and compared on  DLR’s  light-weight  robots.  The  proposed  con- troller  shows up a better  performance  than  classical impedance and stiffness control. Compared to admit- tance  control,  it  has  lower  geometric accuracy,  but higher  bandwidth  and  impedance  range.  As  an  ap- plication  for  the new  controller,  the insertion  of  pis- tons into a motor block was described; programming times  (by directly  guiding  the robot), and  execution times were  drastically  reduced  compared  to  conven- tional techniques. References [l]  D. Abadia. Comparative analysis development of con- trol systems for the DLR light weight robot. Master’s thesis, DLR, University of  Zaragossa, 2000. State  feedback controller for flexible joint robots: 
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