    Abstract Purpose – The aim is to set a state-of-the-art in scientific research towards the development of knee
    prostheses for transfemoral amputees, by reviewing the literature in the field and by identifying
    different scientific research lines that have brought out through the years. Also, to provide the
    information about possible outcomes in the near future, and their links to cybernetics, given the
    present trends in the field.8858
    Design/methodology/approach – Literature related to scientific research carried out up-to-date in
    the field of knee prostheses, is reviewed in scientific articles, books and electronic sources. Then,
    different research lines are identified from the obtained information, and finally classified as presented
    in this work.
    Findings – Three scientific research lines regarding the development of knee prostheses were found,
    each one dealing with: the design of knee prostheses; the performance assessment of these prostheses;
    and the creation of control strategies for these prostheses which use electronics to control their
    performance. Also, two new possible eras of prostheses were encountered: the cybernetic era, and the
    electromyographic one. Considering both options, it is concluded that the cybernetic era of prostheses
    is likely to become real soon.
    Practical implications – A useful state-of-the-art review for researchers likely to be introduced in
    the field of development of knee prostheses and prosthetic technology in general.
    Originality/value – This literature review not only sets a state-of-the-art of the development of knee
    prostheses, but also proposes a frame of references which allows to classify the different works done in
    the field, as well as a better understanding of these through a clear presentation.
    Keywords Cybernetics, Prosthetic devices, Intelligent agents
    Paper type Literature review
    Walking is synonymous of freedom to human beings. It represents the possibility of
    moving from one place to another at will, making use of the locomotive systemgiven by
    nature. More in detail, humans are featured, among other things, by biped-locomotion,
    which means they are provided with two natural lower limbs to walk. In normal
    conditions, functions regarding human gait are developed by the nervous system at a
    very early age, and these are so well learned, that they are executed in a practically
    unconscious way. Nevertheless, to be able to walk, besides a nervous system (software)
    to coordinate and supervise gait actions, it is indispensable to count with a
    muscle-skeletal system (hardware) to execute them, in this case, a pair of legs.
    For some inpiduals, their existence is limited in the hardware level. It is the case of
    lower limb amputees, who for any congenital problem, disease or traumatism suffered
    in their lives, lack a pair of legs to walk. This problem exists maybe from the times
    when man appeared on earth, given that it refers to the condition of lack of a lower
    limb, which in essence enables the gait. Nevertheless, it is important to mention threecauses that have increased notoriously the number of lower limb amputees in the last
    The first cause regards wars in general, but in particular the World Wars I and II
    (Trenches on the Web – Timeline, 2007), and among others more recent, the wars in
    the Middle East (ABC News, 2006; War Amputees, 2006) and Bosnia-Herzegovina
    (Mine Detection, 1996). In the first two wars, due to the number of people involved in
    battle and the use of modern weapons, and in the last wars, given the huge number of
    mines spread in the lands where these wars have taken place. The second cause refers
    to car development from the beginnings of last century, and the accidents that have
    happened since then (RESUMEN, 2004). The higher speeds of cars compared to
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