Of the four parameters considered, the fuel package is the most influential parameter that can affect the development of thermal conditions within the room。 Specifically, the HRR of the fuel package is the principal characteristic of the fuel package governing thermal conditions which will be generated。 Fuel packages vary by their orientation, composition, mass and location。 Fuel packages can be oriented in some of the following ways; stacked, upright, flat, triangular and a pile。 There are other ways to configure a fuel package, but his report only analyzes these fuel packages because there is published HRR data available。 NFPA 1403 also states that all fuels must be composed of wood products。 

Ventilation can be utilized during burn evolutions to release heat and limit the thermal conditions within the live fire training facility。 Ventilation strategies include leaving a remote window or door open during a fire training evolution or opening a vent during an evolution to horizontally ventilate smoke and heat from the compartment。 Leaving a window or door open in the burn room significantly decreases thermal conditions in the burn room。 Having a remote window remain open can be an effective method to limit the thermal condition in the burn facility。 Most importantly, when thermal conditions are too high and possibly untenable, firefighters can horizontally ventilate by opening a window close to the burn room and this will quickly decrease

the thermal conditions in the burn room。 For fuel limited fires, horizontal ventilation can possibly turn an environment from untenable to tenable。 Conversely, improper ventilation can turn can provide oxygen to a ventilation limited fire, which can subsequently cause the fire to progress towards flashover。 It is imperative that the fire instructor conducting the burn evolution monitors the fire conditions to ensure that the firefighters are ventilating the structure at the proper time。 

Burn room size dictates the amount of heat that is stored within the space and the amount of heat concentrated in the room determines the thermal conditions within the compartment。 For a given fuel package HRR, smaller burn rooms have the potential to create more severe thermal conditions because more heat is concentrated over a smaller volume, while larger burn have more volume, so heat is distributed over a larger area and therefore thermal conditions are less severe。 When a fire instructor is performing a fire hazard assessment for a live fire training evolution, they need to choose a fuel package that is appropriate for the size of their burn room。 Fuel packages that possess a lower HRR should only be burned in burn rooms that are smaller in size。 While fuel packages with a large HRR can be burned in burn rooms that are large in size。 

Sequential burn evolutions may not be as obvious a parameter as the first three discussed, given that a particular combination of fuel HRR, ventilation and room size may provide an acceptable set of thermal conditions in the first evolution of the day。 However, as sequential evolutions are conducted without sufficient time for the room to cool, the thermal conditions can be expected to increase in severity with repetitious evolutions。 This transition to an unacceptable level over the course of a day may be subtle, as the temperature increase between any two consecutive evolutions may be relatively modest。 

In live fire training facilities, various types of insulating materials are commonly applied to the walls and ceilings of burn rooms。 These materials have thermal properties that possess the ability to have a slight impact on the development of thermal conditions within burn facilities。 

When a fire instructor plans a live fire training evolution, they must perform a hazard assessment to ensure that the thermal conditions stay within a safe range。 The appropriate fuel package must be chosen depending on the size of the facilities burn room。 Also, some of the ventilation strategies discussed in this report can be used to reduce the thermal conditions inside the compartments。 When sequential burn evolutions occur, a predetermined amount of time has to be provided between burn evolutions to allow the structure to cool。 Also, the fire instructor should be monitoring changes in conditions as training progresses 












