7。3。1 The AHJ shall develop and utilize a safe live fire training action plan when multiple sequential burn evolutions are to be conducted per day in each burn room。 

7。3。2 A burn sequence matrix chart shall be developed for the burn rooms in a live fire training structure。 

7。3。2。1 The burn sequence matrix chart shall include the maximum fuel loading per evolution and maximum number of sequential live fire evolutions that can be conducted per day in each burn room。 

7。3。3 The burn sequence for each room shall define the maximum fuel load that can be used for the first burn and each successive burn。 

7。3。4 The burn sequence matrix for each room shall also specify the maximum number of evolutions that can be safely conducted during a given training period before the room is allowed to cool。 

7。3。5 The fuel loads per evolution and the maximum number of sequential evolutions in each burn room shall not be exceeded under any circumstances。 

Missing from NFPA 1403 is any guidance on the minimum amount of time that fire instructors have to wait between sequential burn evolutions。1 Often, after one burn evolution ends, all doors and windows are immediately closed to contain the hot smoke and the next fuel package is quickly ignited。 

Firefighters may be exposed to extreme thermal condition within the burn room during training scenarios because the proper tools and information are not made available to the fire instructors to enable them to perform a hazard assessment of the planned live fire training evolutions。 A hazard assessment consists of analyzing the thermal conditions that will be produced in the training exercise as a result of the fuel package, ventilation strategies, room size and repeated training evolutions within a short time period。 A hazard assessment is needed so that these measures can be explicitly accounted for in order to limit the severity of thermal conditions inside the fire training building to reasonable levels so that firefighters can train within safer environments。 Without explicitly conducting such an assessment, fire instructors may not be able to assess the impact of the combination of these factors, nor might they appreciate the impact of a modest change in one of the parameters which could cause conditions to exceed an important threshold condition, e。g。 flashover 

A computer fire model, CFAST, was used to create a simulation that replicates the Maryland Fire & Rescue Institute’s (MFRI) third floor of the structural firefighting building。 Experiments were conducted at MFRI by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2005 and the results of these experiments are compared to the results of the CFAST model in order to validate the use of the CFAST model。 Next, CFAST was utilized to identify the effects various fuel packages, ventilation strategies, room sizes and sequential burn evolutions have on the thermal conditions inside a typical firefighter training burn room。 

Burn rooms are the location where the fuel package is burned and are often small, insulated and have limited ventilation。 This report focuses on estimating the thermal conditions inside burn rooms because this is the area that has the greatest thermal hazard and also is a location where firefighters are often located during burn evolutions, along with the fire instructors responsible for igniting and monitoring the fire。 

The goals of this report are to: 

1。 Use CFAST to determine the effects that fuel packages, ventilation strategies, room sizes and sequential burn evolutions have on the thermal conditions inside a live fire training structure。 

2。 Use CFAST to perform a sensitivity analysis to identify the important factors that influence the thermal conditions inside a live fire training evolution so that fire instructors can properly perform a hazard assessment of fire training evolutions。 












