[0071] It is supposed that a nursed person (not shown) is sitting on the wheel chair bed body 7 in the state shown in FIG。 4。 Then, the wheel chair reclining mechanism may be operated so that the wheel chair bed body 7 can be placed in its flat state as shown ill FIG。   5。

[0072] Next, the wheel chair bed body 7 may be  moved into the middle space between the first bed body 2 and second bed body 4 on the bed frame G as shown by   arrow

100。 This state is shown in FIG。  3(a)。

[0073] Then, the wheel chair mat section 8 may be low- ered as shown by arrow 105 by operating the wheel chair lifting mechanism so that the upper side of the first bed mat section 3 for the first bed body 2, the upper side of the second bed mat section 5 for the second bed body 4 and the upper side of the wheel chair mat section 8 for the wheel chair bed body 7 now in its flat position can become flush with each other as shown in FIG。 3(b) and FIG。   2。

[0074]  Then, the first bed body 2 and wheel chair bed body 4 and the second bed body 4 and wheel chair bed body 7 can be fixed to each other, respectively, by using respective fastening means (not shown)。

[0075] In this way, the nursed person (not shown)  sitting on the wheel chair bed body 4 in the state shown in FIG。 4 can be moved onto the nursing care bed very easily and with safety, as shown in FIGS。  6 and   7。

[0076] When the nursed person is being moved from the nursing care bed onto the wheel chair bed body 7, this can also be accomplished very easily and with safety, by revers- ing the steps described above。

[0077] In accordance with the present invention, therefore, one nursing person alone can move the nursed person from the bed onto the wheel chair or stretcher, or from the wheel chair or stretcher onto the bed, easily and with safety by making as little effort as possible。

[0078] By operating the wheel chair reclining mechanism, the nursed person (not shown) lying on the wheel chair mat section 8 may have his or her posture changed into the state shown in FIG。 4 in which the nursed person is sitting on the wheel chair or vice versa。 This can be accomplished easily and with safety。

[0079] By operating the bed reclining mechanism that is operatively linked with the wheel chair reclining mecha- nism, the nursed person lying on the nursing care bed as shown in FIGS。 6 and 7 may have his or her posture changed so that he or she can be sitting up on the nursing care bed as shown in FIG。 8 or vice versa。 In either case, this can be accomplished easily and with  safety。

[0080] The movement  from the bed onto the wheel  chair or stretcher or the movement from the wheel chair or stretcher onto the bed as well as the posture change can be accomplished while the nursing person is monitoring the nursed person。 Thus, there is no risk that the nursed person will suffer any accidental injuries。

[0081] While the preferable embodiment of the present invention has been described with reference to the accom- panying drawings, the present invention is by no means limited to the above described embodiment, and it goes without saying that the present invention can be modified to various examples within the technical range which can be understood from the accompanying claims。

What is claimed is:

1。 A nursing care bed with a wheel chair facility com- prising a bed frame including a head board, a first bed body and a second bed body extending in the longitudinal direc- tion of the bed frame and spaced away from each other, each of the first bed body and second bed body having one end secured to each corresponding one of the lateral sides of the head board, and a wheel chair bed body equipped with casters beneath it and being capable of movement into or out of the middle space between the first bed body and second bed body, wherein

















