the  first  bed  body  and  second bed  body  each have:

a first bed mat section and a second bed mat section on the upper side thereof, respectively, each of the first bed mat section and second bed mat section includ- ing a back bed mat part, a seat bed mat part, a leg bed mat part and a foot bed mat part;   and

bed reclining means operable so that the respective back bed mat part, seat bed mat part, leg bed mat part and foot bed mat part included in the respective first bed mat section and second bed mat section can be folded;来:自[优E尔L论W文W网 +QQ752018766-

the wheel chair bed body  includes:

a wheel mat section including a wheel chair back mat part, a wheel chair seat mat part,  a wheel  chair  leg mat  part  and  a wheel  chair  foot  mat part;

wheel chair reclining means operable so that the wheel chair back mat part, wheel chair seat mat part, wheel chair leg mat part and wheel chair foot mat part included in the wheel chair mat section can be folded; and

wheel chair lifting means operable so that the wheel chair seat mat part can be moving up and down in the vertical direction, and can also be moving up and down in the vertical direction when the wheel chair mat section is placed in its flat position by being extended in the horizontal  direction; and wherein

the respective back bed mat part, seat bed mat part, leg bed mat part and foot bed mat part included in the respective first bed mat section and second bed mat section on the respective first bed body and second bed body, and the wheel chair back mat part, wheel chair seat mat part, wheel chair leg mat part and wheel chair mat part included in the wheel chair mat section on the wheel chair bad body have the same length as measured in the longitudinal direction, wherebywhen the wheel chair bed body placed in the middle space between the first bed body and second bed body is placed in its flat position by operating the wheel chair reclining means, the upper side of the nursing care bed can be formed by bringing the upper side of the first bed mat section of the first bed body, the upper side of the second bed mat section of the second bed body and the upper side of the wheel chair mat section of the wheel chair bed body now placed in its flat position into being flush with each other; and

in the state where the wheel chair bed body placed in the middle space between the first bed body and second bed body is placed in its flat position by operating the wheel chair reclining means and where the upper side of the nursing care bed is formed by bringing the upper side of the first bed mat section of the first bed body, the upper side of the second bed mat section of the second

bed body and the upper side of the wheel chair mat section of the wheel chair bed body now placed in its flat position into being flush with each other, the wheel chair reclining means is operated, followed by the respective bed reclining means for the first bed body and second bed body operatively linked with the wheel chair reclining means being operated, so that the wheel chair back mat part, wheel chair seat mat part, wheel chair leg mat part and wheel chair foot mat part included in the wheel chair mat section and the respec- tive back bed mat parts, seat bed mat parts, leg bed mat parts and foot bed mat parts included in the respective first bed mat section and second bed at section can be folded through the respective linkages。



















