A control element is a one-dimensional element with two active nodes (pinion-side node I and chord-side node J ) and one control node (dummy node K)。 It has spring-damper capability as shown in Fig。 4。 The degree of freedom (DOF) for the active nodes and control node is set to be displacement UY in vertical direction。
The action of the control element in the structure is based upon the value of the control parameter Pcontrol, which is defined as the displacement of control node K, and parameters defining element switch-on range, i。e。, Pupper ~ Plower。
At time step i, the control node K is driven up by
displacement control uK , which is computed from ve- locity vK ,
where, D is the nominal diameter of a pinion, T the torsion generated by motor, R the gearbox ratio, g1 the gearbox efficiency, g2 is the bearing efficiency and S
the motor speed (in rpm)。
As a result, the relation between vertical reaction force and moving-up speed is shown in Fig。 3。 During simulation, the pinions are driven up with displacement control。 The displacement of each pinion for the next time step is determined by the vertical reaction force of the pinion based on the relation curve。
in which, vK is obtained from the curve of pinion vertical
reaction force versus moving-up speed with consider- ation of the pinion’s vertical reaction force at active node I。
An element will be active if uK is within its switch-on range。 The applied force Fapp will then be calculated,
Fapp ¼ kuK þ CvK ð4Þ
where, k and C are stiffness and damping of the control element, respectively。
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Moving up velocity (mm/s)
Fig。 3。 Relation between vertical force and moving-up velocity of a pinion。
Fig。 4。 Schematic configuration of control element。
The applied force will generate the same displace- ment as uK between active nodes I and J in vertical di- rection。 Once Fapp is obtained, it will be applied on the
The friction is then imposed on both nodes (node I and node J ) of the closed GAP element as displayed in Fig。 5(b)。 The friction on the chord node is
active control element。
For each pinion, control elements are created be-
¼ Ffriction
tween the node for the pinion and all the nodes on the chord within the jacking region。 The switch-on ranges for these elements are determined by the elevation level of adjacent nodes on the chord。
4。Interaction between guide/wear plate and chord
In practical design, allowances are catered for the tolerances between the guides/wear plates and the chords。 Gap elements are proposed for these tolerances in the FE model。 As shown in Fig。 5(a), gap element is a one-dimensional combination of a spring and damper in parallel being coupled to a gap in series。 The DOF for each node is set to be displacement UZ of the corre- sponding local coordinate system, ZX plane of which is horizontal。 When a gap is closed (uJ — uI þ GAP < 0), gap force is generated and can be described as
FGAP ¼ jk · ½uJ — uI þ GAP]j þ jC · ðvJ — vI Þj