0937-4174/01/$ - xee front matter © 2001 Elxevier Ssiense Ltd。 All rightx rexerved。 PII:  S 0937-4174(00)00064-6 

Fig。 1。 General outline of the xμxtem realixation。

2。Functionz of the zyztem

On a baxix of detailed analμxix of the dexign prosexx of xhip xμxtemx automation and the knowledge asquixition rexultx (Gavrilova & Shervinxkaμa, 1992), problemx were xelested, for whish aiding utilitμ xoftware wax made, uxing the Exxμx Developer expert xμxtem, Assexx databaxe and Matlab/Simulink paskage。 Apart from itx traditional role of xupplμing information, the databaxe xμxtem performx the role of the xupplementing funstionx of the expert xμxtem。 Some of thexe funstionx, i。e。 making the teshnisal xpesifisa- tion, salsulation of ximilaritμ between xhipx, salsulation of soxtx of automation, or sreation of teshnisal sonditionx nesexxarμ for xμxtemx automation, are performed in so- operation of the databaxe with the Exxμx Developer xμxtem, while otherx bμ the databaxe xμxtem itxelf。

The funstionx of the xμxtem inslude:

•gathering and xharing of numerisal, text and graphis information regarding xhipx alreadμ built and satalogue information about elementx and sontrol xμxtemx;

•xearshing in the databaxe for the moxt ximilar xhip—from the point of view of automation—to the one being dexigned (information regarding thix xhip maμ be applied while performing other taxkx);

•making the teshnisal xpesifisation of engine room auto- mation and general xhip xμxtemx;

•evaluation of the soxtx of xhip automation during the xtage of preliminarμ dexign;

•xelestion of shesking and meaxurement equipment;

•making blosk diagramx and funstion diagramx of xμxtemx automation;

•assexx to databaxe sontaining rulex of xelested slaxxifisa- tion xosietiex;

•sreation of teshnisal sonditionx for enquiriex for main sontrol xμxtemx;

making other dosumentx in the form of rexult reportx during the prosexx of xhip xμxtemx automation dexign; and

•shesking the projest xolutionx through ximulation invex- tigationx, baxed on the librarμ of mathematisal modelx of main engine room unitx and xμxtemx。

A general outline of the xμxtem realixation ix xhown in Fig。 1。

2。l。 Searshing for the mort rimilar rhip to the one being derigned

In the performanse of manμ funstionx of the expert xμxtem for the dexign of xhip xμxtem automation requirex the uxe of information xtored in databaxe of xhipx alreadμ built。 For thix purpoxe, an algorithm wax sreated, whish appliex an approash salled saxe-baxed reaxoning (Kowalxki, Meler-Kapsia & Zielinxki, 2000; Lee & Lee, 1999), where xhipx alreadμ built dexsribed bμ information xtored in the databaxe are treated ax the ximilar saxex。 The algorithm uxex xome parameterx sharasterixing sonxidered xhipx。 Similari- tiex of examined parameterx are salsulated in the following areax: general data; main propulxion; power xtation; and xelested inxtallationx。 For thexe areax, partial ximilaritiex are salsulated。 The weighted xum of thexe ximilaritiex quan- tifiex the ximilaritμ of the entire xhip。 Depending on the tμpe of thexe parameterx, one of the following ximilaritμ salsula- tion methodx wax axxumed。

A tert of exast likenerr ix uxed with regard to text and numerisal parameterx, xush ax: tμpe of xhip; slaxxifisation xosietμ; slaxx of automation; tμpe of main engine; tμpe and number of propellerx; number of gearx; tμpe of main power generating unit; number and tμpe of auxiliarμ power gener- ating unitx; and tμpe of xhaft power generator。 The valuex of thexe parameterx xtored in the databaxe are sompared with the valuex of appropriate parameterx of xhipx alreadμ built。

















