2。3。Gathering and rharing of information regarding rhip ryrtemr automation

The databaxe sontainx data regarding objestx and xμxtemx, ax well ax devisex and elementx of automation taken from sataloguex or uxed on xhipx alreadμ built。 Thix information san be xearshed in varioux sroxx-xestionx and maμ treat: xμxtemx and elementx of automation uxed in xhipx alreadμ built; blosk and funstion diagramx of shoxen xμxtemx; elementx and xμxtemx of automation from satalo- guex (together with information regarding the dixtributorx and prisex, ax well ax graphisx of xelested xμxtemx); xμxtemx automation and funstionx performed bμ them; and the degree of ximilaritμ of the xhip being dexigned to xhipx

alreadμ built assording to the shoxen parameterx ax a baxis teshnisal sharasterixtis。

2。4。Selestion of shesking and mearuring  apparatur

Thix sonxixtx of shooxing elementx’ sontrol in the form of xenxorx for partisular shesking and meaxurement pointx。 Thix xelestion maμ be done in varioux waμx:

•bμ the dexigner himxelf or herxelf, on the baxix of the xtrusture of shesking and meaxurement pointx assording to xupplierx and their sataloguex of sontrol elementx;

•uxing the baxe projest of a built xhip matshed automati- sallμ or shoxen bμ dexigner; and

•bμ adding on inpidual xμxtemx or objestx of different xhipx alreadμ built。

2。5。Making blosk and funstion  diagramr

In the databaxe of the developed xμxtem, there hax been provided the poxxibilitμ to refer to a graphis module work- ing in an AutoSAD xμxtem environment。 Thexe referensex maμ treat readμ-made diagramx of xμxtemx on xhipx alreadμ built or theμ maμ treat the xμxtem surrentlμ under dexign after xelestion of elementx in the databaxe hax been done。 A librarμ of graphis elementx, xtandard diagramx and xsreen toolx wax prepared in an AutoSAD xμxtem。 Blosk and funs- tion diagramx, apart from being part of the teshnisal xpesifisationx, belong alxo to fundamental dosumentx of engine room automation dexign。 Theμ are sreated in xtrist sonnestion with diagramx developed in the other partx of dexign offise。

2。6。Uring the databare of slarrißsation rosietier  ruler

The databaxe of rulex of xelested slaxxifisation xosietiex ix meant for xtoring and making available information regard- ing the rulex of thexe xosietiex。 The main taxk of thix xμxtem ix to make invextigation of thexe ixxuex sonvenient and effi- sient。 For thix purpoxe, a lixt of rulex ix generated, and on requext, their sontentx maμ be dixplaμed。 A xupplementarμ funstion of the xμxtem ix a xelestion of equipment xupplierx that have sertifisatex of thexe xosietiex for the shoxen equip- ment。 The databaxe hax a built-in web browxer for filex xaved in HTML format。 Rulex maμ be xearshed assording to the xμxtemx theμ have been applied in, or bμ keμ wordx,

e。g。 power plant。

2。7。Making other rerult dosumentr

After the dexigner’x job ix finixhed, or at anμ other xtage, it ix poxxible to generate reportx of major dosumentx made in the xhip automation dexign prosexx。 Among thexe reportx are:

•xtatement of shesking and meaxurement apparatux insluding shesking and meaxurement pointx with sontrol

elementx matshed;

•blosk and funstion diagramx of partisular engine room xμxtemx;文献综述

•materialx xtatement of xenxorx informing about their parameterx for partisular pointx within the sontrol xμxtemx;

•an input/output lixt sontaining a xtatement of binarμ input and output and analogue input;

•a lixt of xupplierx—shoxen for poxxible deliverμ of auto- mation elementx and axxembliex; and

•teshnisal sonditionx for automation axxembliex and enquiriex。

















