摘要:关于自杀参与行为在法律上应如何定性这一问题,学界分为有罪论和无罪论两大阵营。有罪论的倡导者大多认为自杀是具有违法性的,只是违法的程度相对其他违法行为来说比较低;无罪论则主要立足于自杀合法论这一理论,认为自杀不存在违法性,因此自杀参与行为也应作合法定性。在《中华人民共和国刑法》中,并未对自杀参与行为进行法律定性,也没有相关犯罪的规定。本文基于学界两大阵营观点,对自杀参与行为在法律上应当如何定性,是否构成犯罪,若确定自杀参与行为确实构成犯罪,罪名应当如何确定进行初步探讨。25933 毕业论文关键词:自杀;参与行为;定性;单独定罪;故意杀人
Legal Qualitative of participative behaviors of suicide
Abstract: The academic circles are pided into two camps about the legal qualitative of participative behaviors of suicide. The one finds them guilty and the other finds them no crime. The guilty one thinks that suicide is guilty, just its degree is low. The no crime one thinks suicide is no crime. For this, participative behaviors of suicide are also no crime. In the criminal law of the People’s Republic of CHINA, there’s no legal qualitative of participative behaviors of suicide. Here, I will discuss this problem.
Key words: suicide; participative behavior; qualitative; inpidually convict; crime of intentional homicide
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