摘 要:我国经济发展的转型一直是一个问题,主要原因是政府职能没有被改变,政府与市场的关系定位不明确,而经济发展方式的转变受到政府与市场在资源配置中的关系的影响。确定政府职责是转变政府职能的重要前提,宏观调控更加科学,确定市场在资源配置中的决定性作用需要制度和体制的支持,使政府更成效地进行社会治理,并且行政审批制度改革得到推动,构建有用的政府规制体制,推进产业政策的优化调整,最终实现转变经济发展模式的目标。71637
Research on the transformation of government functions in the transformation of economic development mode
Abstract: The transition of our country's economic development has always been one problem, the main reason is that the government functions have not been changed, between the government and the market, the relationship is not clear. The relationship between the government and the market in the allocation of resources affect the economic development's transition. Requires the transformation of government functions to determine the responsibilities of government, macro-control more scientific, from the system play a decisive role in a good market in the allocation of resources, so that the government more effective social governance, administrative examination and approval system need to be reformed , effective government regulation system construction, the optimization and adjustment of industrial policy need to be promoted, transformation of economic development mode can be achieved.
Key Words: transformation of government function; transformation of economic development mode; structural reform
参考文献 8
致谢 9
当前我国经济运行中出现了不同程度的问题,如投资增长缓慢、缺乏市场机制、通货紧缩的压力有所加大,就业矛盾突出等等。“当前我国经济整体运行出现了不同程度的问题,经济体制改革虽然是与转变经济发展方式最直接相关的改革,但政治体制改革却是最能触动经济发展方式深层次“神经”的改革。” 表明,我国经济发展中出现的各种问题要求政府做出相对应的职能上的转变,需要转变经济发展方式来探求解决经济运行中出现的种种问题,而政府职能又与经济发展有着紧密且复杂的关系,转变政府职能就是要明确决定资源配置的主体是市场,而政府在资源配置中由掌控向指导转变。文献综述