摘 要:退休人员再就业作为新型用工形式已普遍存在于现如今的社会生产之中,但与之形成鲜明对比的,我国现行法律和政府规章并未对对这一就业形式的群体予以明确的法律规制,由此引发了一系列问题。本文将从用人单位的角度,国家立法的角度,退休人员的角度对退休人员再就业发生的缘由进行探究,介绍退休再就业主体法律地位的各类学说,从宪法角度和劳动关系本质的角度分析并评论我国相关法律制度,最后从保障退休人员自身利益和维护我国现行社会保障制度为出发点提出立法建议。73398
The Presentation of the Retirees’ reemployment and Protection in Law
Abstract:As a new employment form,the retirees’ reemployment has existed extensively in the area of working and living。 However, in sharp contrast with the situation ,there is no clear law dictating the group of the employment form in our current law and government regulation——with all the problems that raises。 This article will explores the cause of the phenomenon that retirees’ re-employment from the angle of employer ,the angle of employee the angle of state 。Describing the mainstream wisdoms about principal status of retirees’ reemployment 。Analuyzing and commenting the related law system from the angle of constitution and the essence of labour relationship 。At last,based on the safeguard the right of retire re-employment and maintain social security system put forward legislative proposal。
Keywords: retire, re-employment,labor relation,service relation,social insurance benefit
一、引言 2
二、关于退休人员再就业现象产生的原因 3
(一)用人单位的角度 3
(二)退休人员的角度 3
(三)国家立法的角度 4
三、关于退休再就业问题的学说 4
(一)劳动法律关系说 4
(二)劳务关系说 5
(三)特殊劳动关系说 6
(四)社会保险待遇挂钩说 7
四、我国立法现状及完善相关法律规定的建议 8
(一)我国立法现状 8
(二)完善退休人员再就业的理论探讨 8
(三)完善退休人员再就业的具体操作 10
结论 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14