摘 要:权利穷竭是知识产权法学里的一种原则是指知识产权人在第一次投放市场后即丧失对它的进一步控制权,而平行进口是指了一地享有商标权或者经过许可商家合法出售的产品通过未享有商标权或未经许可进口商在本地销售的情形,是一种社会现象。平行进口一直被看做是权利穷竭原则在商标权领域的体现,但是因为权利穷竭原则本身与地域性原则存在着巨大的冲突,所以对于平行进口,不管是在法律上还是政策上都不宜通过完全适用权利穷竭原则的一刀切态度,而应当根据不同产业链的特点适用不同的政策,根据不同类型平行进口所引发的不同利益冲突适用不同的法律法规。74564
Abstract: Exhaustion of rights in intellectual property law refers to a principle of intellectual property rights in the market for the first time after losing further control over it, and parallel import refers to a trademark or enjoyment through legitimate businesses licensed to sell No Related products through unauthorized trademark or importer in the case of local sales, is a social phenomenon。 Parallel importation has been seen as the exhaustion of rights principle embodied in the trademark field, but because of the principle of exhaustion of rights principle itself and there is a huge regional conflict, so for parallel imports, whether in law or policy are not entirely by right to apply the principle of exhaustion of one size fits all approach, but should apply different policies depending on the characteristics of the industry chain, depending on the different types of conflicts of interest arising from parallel import laws and regulations applicable to different。
Keywords: Exhaustion; regional; parallel imports; intellectual property rights; trademark
目 录
一、引言 1
二、商标权利穷竭与平行进口冲突的理论争议 1
(一)争议的表现形式 1
(二)适用对象方面的争议 2
(三)适用范围的争议 2
三、商标权利穷竭与平行进口冲突的我国司法实践 3
(一)“米其林”商标平行进口案 3
(二)“力士”商标平行进口案 3
(三)“AN’GE”商标平行进口案 4
四、商标权利穷竭与平行进口冲突的域外立法例 4
(一)美国的规定 4
(二)德国的规定 5
(三)日本的规定 5
(四)欧盟的规定 5
五、化解商标权利穷竭与平行进口冲突的路径选择 5
(一)路径选择的依据 6
(二)基本路径选择 6
(三)例外路径选择 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9