    摘要: 基坑工程往往在现代城市中,大多不仅受施工场地本身的限制,对临近的建筑物的安全性造成的不良影响,已经成了基坑本身的施工安全之外的另一个关键点所在。 所以基坑工程在施工过程中不单要考虑到基坑和支护结构自身的安全性,而且要保证临近建筑物的安全性,不影响其正常使用。因此,开展对基坑工程的变形特征的研究,对环境的影响可能是由开挖引起的,尤其是临近重要建(构)筑物的安全与正常使用的预测非常重要。毕业论文以深圳市新安医院基坑施工对临近地铁线路的影响为背景, 具体分析基坑施工对地铁影响的监测数据。监测地铁隧道的沉降位移变形是当下最直接、 最直观体现临近基坑施工对地铁隧道造成影响的技术手段, 传统的人工观测方法受限于地铁运营的要求,而逐渐不再被使用,自动化监测系统已成为地铁隧道运营期间变形监测的成熟解决方案。 本文就通过自动监测系统的获得的数据来分析基坑施工中对临近地铁隧道沉降以及位移变形的影响。20004
    关键词: 基坑施工;地下空间;监测分析;位移;沉降
    Shenzhen Xin’an hospital monitoring data analysis of
    the impact of the construction of foundation pit
    Abstract:Foundation pit engineering is often in the modern city, not only limited to
    construction site, mostly important to adjacent building, the security implications of
    content, has gone far beyond the foundation itself.So the foundation pit engineering is
    not only to ensure the safety of foundation pit and the supporting structure itself and
    to ensure that the adjacent building, the safety and normal use of content.therefore, to
    carry out the study of the deformation characteristics of foundation pit engineering,
    the impact on the environment may be caused by excavation, especially near the
    important building, the safety and normal use of content of forecasting is very
    Papers on construction of foundation pit in shenzhen Xin'an hospital near subway line
    as the background, the influence of the specific analysis of the influence of the
    subway construction of foundation pit monitoring data.On the settlement of metro
    tunnel deformation monitoring is the important technical method to ensure the safety
    of subway construction and operation of one of the traditional artificial observation
    methods can not adapt to the requirement of metro operation, automatic monitoring
    system has become a subway tunnel deformation monitoring of the mature solution
    during the operation.In this paper, the automatic monitoring system of monitoring
    data to analyze for the settlement of metro tunnel in construction of foundation pit and
    the influence of displacement.
    Keywords: foundation pit construction; Underground space; Monitoring and analysis;
    Displacement; The settlement目录 1. 绪论..1
    1.1. 课题的目的和意义..1
    1.2. 国内外研究现状1
    1.3. 基坑施工对地表沉降的机理.2
    1.4. 本课题研究内容和方法3
    2. 基坑工程检测.4
    2.1. 地铁监控量测工程基本知识.4
    2.1.1. 基坑监测的目的4
    2.1.2. 基坑监测基本要求..4
    2.1.3. 基坑监测内容.5
    2.1.4. 基坑监测方法.5
    2.2. 基坑事故分析.5
    2.2.1. 工程事故是可预防与可避免的5
    2.2.2. 杭州地铁 1 号线湘湖站北二基坑事故分析.6
    2.2.3. 基坑事故危害.8
    3. 基坑施工实例分析借鉴9
    3.1. 南海御景基坑工程监测方案.9
    3.1.1. 工程概况9
    3.1.2. 检测报警制度.9
    3.1.3. 有关的应急预案.10
    3.1.4. 预取的采主要措施和合理化建议10
    3.2. 深圳前海填海区地铁一体化监测系统. 11
    3.2.1. 地铁建养一体化安全控制管理系统设计思想.12
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