
    The building is located in the city of Shanghai. Shanghai city is located in the eastern coastal areas of China, east longitude 121°43 ', north latitude 31 ° 16'.Belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate zone, four seasons, hot summer and cold winter, spring and autumn short, but because is located in coastal, the rainy season is more dispersed  , with the largest rainfall. Summer air-conditioning outdoor daily average temperature 30.4 ℃, office indoor temperature 26 ℃, humidity 65%, indoor air velocity m/s ≤ 0.3 office; winter indoor temperature 20 ℃, humidity 40%, indoor air velocity  m/s ≤ 0.2.
    Consider the construction for the hotel room, the design of main building for the room, mostly small area, and each room are not mutually communicated, should make the air conditioning system can realize independent control of each room,the comprehensive consideration of various factors, determine the selection offan coil unit plus fresh air system. Layout in the room ceiling type fan coil unit,embedded concealed form. The centralized system for fan coil unit plus fresh air system, fresh air from outdoor air handling unit to indoor air enthalpy value, do not assume the indoor load. Fan coil undertake all indoor cooling load and the air humidity load. The shutter to and side of fan coil unit plus fresh air feeding system. Water system adopts closed two pipe different program, cold water pumps four, three with a prepared.
    In the cooling load calculation on the basis of the complete host and fan coil unit selection, and the wind pipe and water pipe specifications are determined through calculation of air, water, and check the most disadvantaged loop resistance and the pressure head is used to determine the air blower and water pump.
    This design according to the building structure and its requirements for air conditioning scheme, in order to meet the use requirements, which can meet the office comfort. In addition, from the air conditioning design rationality of scienceand economy, and building the overall appearance of consider. Application of central air conditioning and in modern building more, also more and more mature and advanced technology. To the effective management of late, one-time investment, convenient, effective and does not occupy the space of architecture.This paper is the design of central air-conditioning to the selection, a description of the calculation. From the use of science to the economy do good combination.Scheme selection is considered and the overall design idea, part of the calculation is the basis of design, the drawing part is the practice of design and construction and installation of the tube. The three part dependent each other,are closely related to the project. Each part to ensure the scientific and reasonable, accurate, economic and suitable.
    This design refers to a large number of documents, manual atlas, engineering example. The best combination of various aspects of the. But because of thelimited data and the level of low, some omissions and errors are inevitable, hopecan with own progress of learning and research scheme will be the best. Thankyou teachers to give the criticism and correction, so that I can get a morereasonable design scheme.
    目  录
    1引言    1
      1.1设计目的    1
      1.2 空调系统设计的意义    2
      1.3暖通空调的作用      2
    2  设计基本资料    3
      2.1建筑概况    3
      2.2设计参数    3
      2.建筑文护结构参数    3
    3 负荷计算    4
      3.1冷负荷计算方法    4
      3.2空调冷负荷计算    4
      3.3夏季冷负荷计算    6
      3.4热负荷计算依据    16
      3.5空调湿负荷计算    18
    4 空调系统方案的确定    20
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