    摘要:本课题针对深圳北站管道基坑支护工程进行设计,利用理正深基坑7.0 软件进行电算。根据工程的实际情况,对深圳北站新区大道管道基坑支护工程进行研究与设计,要求设计方案合理、经济、安全,符合规范要求,满足地铁站功能需求。运用理正深基坑7.0 软件,进行了以下计算:设计方案比选,支护结构计算与绘图基坑稳定性验算,基坑的降水止水设计,基坑监测方案设计,抗承压水(突涌)验算,抗隆起验算,抗倾覆稳定性验算,嵌固段基坑内侧土反力验算等。在此基础上进行配筋,得到施工图。24582
    毕业论文关键词: 排桩支护;连续墙支护;理正深基坑 7.0 软件
    Shenzhen North pipe support design of foundation pit
    engineering drawings
    Abstract : The topic for the Shenzhen north station pipeline foundation suppo
    engineering design, usingLizheng deep foundation pit 7 computer software. According to t
    actual situation of project, theShenzhen North Station District Avenue pipeline excavatio
    engineering research and designrequirements, design reasonable, economy, safety, complian
    with the specification requirements,meet the functional requirements of subway station.
    Using Lizheng deep foundation pit 7 software, the following calculation: design schem
    selection,support structure calculation and drawing, foundation stability, waterproof design
    foundation pitprecipitation, design of foundation pit monitoring program, anti-bearing water
    (surge) checking,anti uplift checking, anti overturning stability checking, the embedded inside
    of pit soil reaction force checking etc.. On the basis of reinforcement, shop drawings.
    Through the piles in row and two methods of continuous wall supporting design, based on t
    analysis of economic and security, recommend the design of foundation pit of the continuo
    wall support, and puts forward the design scheme of the complete.
    KeyWords: row pile retaining;continuous retaining wall;7.0 software of Lizheng deep foundation pit
    目 录
    1 设计方案综合说明1
    1.1 绪论1
    1.1.1 课题的意义和目的1
    1.1.2 国内外发展概况和存在问题1
    1.1.3 本课题的指导思想1
    1.1.4 本课题应解决的主要问题2
    1.2 概论2
    1.2.1 整体概况2
    1.2.2 工程概况2
    1.2.3 工程地质条件2
    1.2.4 水文地质条件5
    1.2.5 岩土工程分析评价6
    1.2.6 基坑侧壁安全等级及重要性系数6
    1. 3 设计总说明6
    1.3.1 本工程设计遵循的标准、规范、规定及规程6
    1.3.2 支护结构方案7
    1.4 基坑开挖形式与监测9
    1.5 防水设计9
    1.5.1 防水设计原则及标准9
    1.5.2 止水帷幕简介10
    2 基坑支护结构设计计算书11
    2.1 设计计算11
    2.1.1 地质计算参数11
    2.1.2 计算区段的划分11
    2.1.3 计算方法11
    2.1.4 土压力系数计算12
    2.2 排桩设计电算书12
    2.2.1 排桩支护设计基础信息与参数12
    2.2.2 结构计算与设计结果15
    2.2.3 截面计算16
    2.2.4 整体稳定验算17
    2.2.5 抗倾覆稳定性验算18
    2.2.6 抗隆起验算182.2.7 抗承压水(突涌)验算19
    2.2.8 嵌固深度计算20
    2.2.9 嵌固段基坑内侧土反力验算20
    2.3 连续墙设计电算书20
    2.3.1 连续墙支护设计基础信息与参数20
    2.3.2 结构计算与设计结果23
    2.3.3 截面计算24
    2.3.4 整体稳定验算25
    2.3.5 抗倾覆稳定性验算26
    2.3.6 抗隆起验算26
    2.3.7 抗承压水(突涌)验算27
    2.3.8 嵌固深度计算28
    2.3.9 嵌固段基坑内侧土反力验算28
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