    Environmental Impact Assessment of LeiSheng Plastic Industrial Company
    Abstract: For LeiSheng plastic industry expansion project environmental impact assessment of the company are mainly divided into three aspects. First of all, mainly for the general situation of company and main pollutant for summary.The first one is making a status-quo assessment. Its primary goal is to conduct a survey about the societal environment and natural environment by monitoring four elements including air, water, noise and solid waste, then conclude a evaluation for the current construction quality and status by analyzing the monitoring data in order to propose prevention and mitigation of major polluting factors thus protecting the environment during the construction; The other aspect is making a predictive assessment for the period based on the existing monitoring data, predicting the major environmental issue during the period and proposing specific solutions for the problems.

    KeyWords: Environmental impact assessment; Status-quo survey; Forecast analysis
    目  录
    1 绪 论    1
    1.1 评价任务的由来    1
    1.2 评价的目的    1
    1.3 编制的依据    1
    1.4 评价标准    1
    1.4.1 环境质量标准    1
    1.4.2 污染物排放标准    2
    1.5 环境影响评价技术导则    2
    1.6 评价内容与评价重点    2
    1.6.1 评价内容    2
    1.6.2 评价重点    2
    1.7 评价等级    3
    1.7.1 地表水环境    3
    1.7.2 环境空气    3
    1.7.3 声环境    3
    1.7.4 风险评价    3
    1.8评价范围    3
    2 工程概况    4
    2.1公司简介    4
    2.2 工程规模    4
    2.3 自然环境简况    6
    2.3.1 基本概况    6
    2.3.2 社会环境简况    7
    2.4 主要污染源    9
    2.4.1 废气    9
    2.4.2 废水    9
    2.4.3 固体废物    10
    2.4.4 噪声    10
    3 环境现状评价    11
    3.1 本底环境质量    11
    3.1.1 空气环境    11
    3.1.2 水环境    11
    3.2 环境现状分析    12
    3.2.1 水环境现状    12
    3.2.2 废气现状    13
    3.2.3 噪声现状分析    16
    3.2.4 固废物现状分析    17
    3.3 环境风险分析    18
    3.3.1 环境风险分析的目的    18
    3.3.2 风险类型    18
    4 营运期环境影响预测与评价    19
    4.1 废气影响预测评价    19
    4.1.1 预测内容    19
    4.1.2 预测源强    19
    4.1.3 预测结果    20
    4.2 噪声影响预测评价    20
    4.3 废水影响预测评价    21
    4.3.1 预测内容    21
    4.3.2预测结果及分析    22
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