
    Design General Information
    In the construction industry, HVAC account by a very important position, it is not only related to people's health, comfort and safety, but also related to the work efficiency and product quality. HVAC is building energy consumption, the country's total energy consumption by more than 15% of energy consumption, as an important part of China's economic development and people's living standards improve, the proportion is rising year by year. Therefore, from the HVAC system to reduce building energy consumption will be very meaningful. In addition, with the convening of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo and the Copenhagen conference, officially launched the low-carbon revolution, building energy efficiency, energy-saving HVAC received worldwide attention.
    In the 21st century, with the continuous development of China's living standards improve and science and technology, are being built around the high standard office building. Building standards and standards of office equipment is a country's modernization level and the technical level of signs, the way should be able to adapt its air-conditioned office building functional requirements, extensive use of advanced equipment and corresponding equipment from the air conditioning system is a modern building in the comfortable and efficient working and living environment indispensable infrastructure. Comfortable air quality of the work environment will improve office staff, and the air was hot, cloudy will make efficiency is greatly reduced, so the building's air conditioning system design efficiency of the office has a very important impact. Certainly in today's HVAC use them; to achieve energy green has become a top priority.
    Most office staff concentrate at work, and after work, very small part of staff to work overtime, which requires the building of the air-conditioning system with cold should be able to meet the high load in addition, you should also be able to trace and efficient cooling, in order to protect people's health, and secondly, a personnel office is relatively stable place, so the indoor air temperature, humidity, cleanliness and air amount of fresh air for the health of office workers greatly affected only office work environment has been better improve the efficiency of the staff will be increased. Thus, office air environment has been growing attention.
    The topic chosen for the graduation of a highway management center office building in design, the main purpose is to integrate theory with practice, improve practical ability and the ability to solve problems. The building is a seven-storey office building in Shanghai. The first storey 4.2m, two to six floors are 3.5m, seven storey 3.9m, building a total height of about 21.7m. The total floor area of approximately 4756.68m².The layer of a multi-functional hall building (and floor interlinked) and approval of rooms, etc. In addition to the hall outside the office; second floor room in addition to outside the office lounge, planning exhibition hall; three rooms are offices; 4- to 6 same floor layout, rooms are offices; seven rooms in addition to a guild room remaining for the office. The total area compared to a two-story, three more area decreased.
    In this paper, the air conditioning units, vents and other design selection and duct arrangement provides a sufficient basis for the building of loading and arrangement of ducts and pipes made detailed calculations. The design of the cooling load is 372kW, the cooling load indicators 110kW / m². Because of this design it is functional definite office, thus building a single function, only for office, the design is not complicated Building. When to use its high density, the use of strong timeliness, thus unified centralized management of electrical and mechanical equipment more convenient. In addition, office building lighting requirements are relatively high, office supplies heat production, which also account for a considerable part of the building. Therefore, considering the number of layers, the height, size, personnel, capabilities and energy-efficient building design, among other factors, by contrast comparing the actual situation on the air conditioning system design as well as in the air system design, this building one to seven office decision the use of fan coil air conditioning system, fan coil fresh air supply mode with a single set of new air system, the independent supply interior, a two-story multi-purpose hall, lounge, foyer and other large room intends to use the whole air system. In the water system, taking into account energy efficiency and clean the pipe and other issues, the use of a closed system, not in contact with the atmosphere, the system does not need to overcome the hydrostatic head. The office is in Shanghai, are hot in summer and cold in winter, the transition season is very short, so a double pipe for cold water in summer, winter heating water is more economical, so use two controls. Combined with the building, the water, back riser using different programs, new air handling units and fan coil systems share supply and return water riser; each of water using the same programs, new air handling units and fan coil systems share supply and return water riser. Such arrangement makes the transition season only supply of fresh air, do not use the fan coil when the system easy to adjust, and energy conservation.
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