    The construction management planning is put forward the overall planning, deployment, organization and planning is a kind of technical and economic documents on the construction process of the project, as the construction preparation and construction process on the basis of the guidance.
    The construction management planning of a large residential area from Shanghai No. 20 and No. 21 for the preparation of the object, the two buildings are frame shear wall structure, and have eleven floors on the ground, there is no basement, the first layer is a layer of overhead. The planning content mainly includes six parts: preparation and basis, engineering survey and characteristics analysis, construction plan, construction preparation, foundation engineering special construction scheme and construction management. By understanding the scale, characteristics, technical requirements and geological conditions of the project, the planning of reasonable arrangement of construction schedule, scientific planning of human, material, machine, ensure the quality of the project at the same time, to reduce the duration and cost saving purposes.
    Key words:Construction management planning;Frame shear wall structure; Construction progress; Foundation project
    目  录
    第一章  编制说明及依据    1
    1.1    编制说明    1
    1.2    编制依据    1
    第二章  工程概况及特点分析    2
    2.1工程概况    2
    2.2工程施工难点、关键点    2
    第三章  施工部署    4
    3.1施工组织机构及分工    4
    3.2施工方案    5
    3.3工程量计算    6
    3.4进度计划    7
    3.5资源配备计划    7
    第四章  施工准备    10
    4.1技术准备    10
    4.2生产准备    11
    4.3施工现场准备    12
    第五章  基础工程施工方案    16
    5.1工程特点    16
    5.2编制依据    16
    5.3整体施工顺序    16
    5.4工程量计算    16
    5.5进度计划    17
    5.6施工方案    17
    5.7施工机械设备    22
    5.8安全措施    22
    第六章  施工管理    24
    6.1工期目标及保证措施    24
    6.2质量目标及保证措施    24
    6.3安全文明施工及保证措施    25
    6.4环境保护措施    26
    6.5雨季施工保证措施    27
    结束语    28
    致谢    29
    参考文献    30
    附录    31
    附录A  基础专项工程量计算书
    附录B  进度计划表
    附录C  主要劳动力计划
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