    ABSTRACT  With the rapid development of economy in our country, the real estate industry matures, people's living standards continue to improve, the real estate industry matures, realty service came into being. Analysis of the current situation and development trend of property management, property management perfect and improve the management level has a realistic significance.In Chuzhou world trade center district as an example, analyzing the basic situation of Chuzhou world trade center village project, for the owner in the contract of property management requirements, develop the appropriate property management bidding plan. After working in the field visit to fully, make the design of the overall conception and ideas.According to the provisions of the contract management scope and service range, to complete the project organization structure and the system establishment, the service standard and the content is determined. Combination with the project practice, take reasonable measures to avoid area of risk management, and improving customer service. Finally, through the analysis, formulate a reasonable chuzhou world trade center bidding planning of residential district.In assurance services within the realty management area and the management work at the same time, still need to improve to improve property management mode, improve worker's own property management service knowledge and skills, develop internal staff system, strengthen the internal cohesion,project management in property management service industry competitiveness.
    Key words:property management;bidding planning;organization structure;risk management;customer service
     目   录
    第一章    整体设想与构思    1
    1.1项目的基本情况和特点    1
    1.2业主的基本情况和特点    1
    1.3拟提供的服务内容    2
    1.4管理目标与承诺    4
    1.5拟采取的管理方式    5
    第二章    组织架构与制度建设    6
    2.1组织架构    6
    2.2工作流程和信息流程    9
    2.3管理制度    14
    第三章    服务内容标准、计划    17
    3.1共用部位、公用设施设备的维修养护管理    17
    3.2卫生清洁管理    17
    3.3环境绿化管理    17
    3.4秩序维护管理    18
    3.5其他特约服务    18
    第四章    风险管理    19
    4.1风险识别    19
    4.2风险处理    22
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