
    By calculating the total load, to determine the system form, the design, the way adopt fan-coil unit plus fresh air. According to the characteristics of the buildings in the chilled water system determines the I choose closed, vertical lift, dual control, single stage pump, variable flow system, the air conditioning water system has the advantages of simple structure, initial investment is small, not easily get dirt and corrosion, pipeline pumps, small power consumption, etc. Set design in air conditioning room on the top floor, use air-cooled, choose air-cooled screw type air conditioning unit, model for LSQWRF-M/B. This design lies in reducing the cooling towers, refrigeration pump and cooling water pipe and so on a series of equipment, in the meet the requirements under the premise of making design tends to be simplified.
    According to the given design parameters and calculated parameters, find the appropriate data manual, system hydraulic calculation, the hydraulic calculation, according to the sketch has draw the system, determine the most unfavorable section, labeled the most unfavorable section of the node, and USES the assumption that the hydraulic calculation of flow velocity method section, draw the line pipe diameter and the line of hydraulic loss and hydraulic loss is larger diameter of pipeline section is carried out for pipeline, along a reasonable total hydraulic loss. According to the calculation of loss along the Cheng Shuili, reasonable estimate the share of local head loss, determine the total hydraulic loss, according to the calculation formula of all kinds of equipment type selection, after calculating the selected hydraulic machinery, determine appropriate pump and fan models. Collect data into excel spreadsheet form. Fan coil units, pumps and equipment selection and calculation method of model such as accessories. According to the design conditions given and always cold, heat load, and has identified form of design, equipment, selection of air duct and terminal equipment, cold and heat source equipment, etc. In the design of the fresh air unit of choice is ultra-thin ceiling type, type DXC4.5 x 4; Fan coil chose three models, FWD20, FWD12, FWD08.
    目 录
    设计总说明    1
    目录    4
    一、工程概况    5
    1.    建筑概况    5
    2. 设计依据    5
    3. 设计参数    5
    二、负荷计算    7
    1.    建筑围护结构热工参数    7
    2.    负荷计算    9
    3. 机组运行启停策略    13
    三、空调系统方案选择    14
    1. 冷热源的选择    14
    2. 系统方案    17
    四、水系统设计    18
    1. 冷冻水系统设计    18
    五、风系统设计    23
    1. 风机盘管加新风系统风系统设计    23
    优尔、房间气流组织计算及风口选型    26
    1.房间送回风方式的确定及风口的选择    26
    2. 空调房间的气流组织计算    26
    七、设备选型    28
    1. 冷热源选型    28
    2. 末端设备选型    28
    3. 辅助设备选型    30
    八、空调系统的消声、减振措施    36
    1. 空调系统的消声    36
    2. 空调系统的减振    37
    九、管道的保温、防腐措施    38
    1. 管道的保温    38
    2. 管道的防腐    39
    十、参考文献    40
    十一、附表    42
    1.    建筑概况
  1. 上一篇:宾馆空调设计负荷计算书+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:医院基坑围护设计计算书+CAD图纸
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