摘 要:近年来,随着国家宏观调控及供需等诸多因素的影响,房地产行业正式进入“白银时代”,在这样的大环境下,对于开发商能否深度挖掘项目的特点和差异,投入更多精力在营销推广上提出了更高的要求。房地产项目营销推广是房地产企业基于整体性和系统性的考量,针对某一特定项目的营销推广活动而采取的一系列的超前决策。房地产项目营销推广是整个房地产经营活动的核心环节,其主要作用在于将房地产产品转化为资金,保证资金链的循环,实现项目开发的效率和效益。此次将以南京苏宁钟山朝阳府二期项目为例,并把重点放在项目开盘前的营销推广上,通过分析市场环境及自身特点等方面,制定具有针对性的推广方案,促成项目进程的顺利发展。70875
Abstract:In recent years, with the influence of national macroeconomic regulation and control and the supply and demand and other factors, the real estate industry officially entered the "Silver Age", in this environment, the characteristics and differences of the depth of excavation project for the success of the developers into more effort in marketing to put forward higher requirements. Real estate project marketing is a real estate enterprise based on the overall and systematic consideration, for a specific project marketing activities and take a series of advance decision. Real estate project marketing promotion is the core part of the entire real estate business activities, its main role is to transform the real estate products into funds, to ensure the circulation of the capital chain, to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness of the project development. The Nanjing Suning Zhongshan Chaoyangfu on the second phase of the project as an example and focus on the prior to the opening of the project marketing promotion, through the analysis of market environment and its own characteristics and other aspects, to develop with the promotion plan, contributed to the smooth development of the project process.
Keywords:real estate development, marketing promotion, preliminary orientation planning, market positioning
目 录
1 设计选题说明 4
1.1 选题依据 4
1.2 设计项目概况 4
1.3 设计背景及目的 4
1.4 数据资料获取 5
1.5 设计重点和难点 5
2 设计依据 5
2.1 理论与方法 5
2.2 参考文献选用 5
3 主要技术路线 6
4 设计成果分析 6
4.1 设计结论分析 6
4.2 设计可行性分析 6
5 设计的价值 6
5.1 对专业学习价值 6
5.2 对今后工作价值 6
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
1 设计选题说明
1.1 选题依据