The total design specification

Teng Rui line is located in the north subtropical humid zone, affected by the monsoon circulation, so the formation of the climate is characterized by: four distinct seasons, mild climate, abundant rainfall, sunshine, frost-free period。 Temperature, the average temperature in January about 2。8 ℃; July average temperature at 28 ℃ or so。 Year frost-free period of about 220 days。 Wuxi City, the average annual rainfall in 1048 mm。 The rainy season is longer, mainly in the summer。 Annual precipitation is greater than the amount of evaporation, is a moist area。 Wuxi city sunshine hours 2019。4 hours。 Common weather disasters are typhoons, storms, even rain, drought, cold waves, hail and winds。

The terrain of the road is flat, and the station of the design section A is K0 + 000。 According to the data such as drilling identification, site static penetration test, standard penetration test result and indoor soil test results, the basic distribution of soil layer is obtained as follows: topsoil layer (1-2m), gray - grayish yellow silty Clay (2-3m), gray-gray gray silty silty clay (below 4m), and then down is gray mudstone。

At first I first prepared three lines, in the three lines, one by the terrain is relatively high, and the difference between the lowest is too large, so give up。 There is also a design of the corner is more, not particularly safe, did not follow the principles of the economy, so do not use, so the use of the selected three routes in the most appropriate one。

There are five special points, three corners, three segments of the curve and the transition curve。 The minimum length of the straight line between the curves is less than 480 km, and the straight line between the opposite curves The minimum length is not less than 160 km。 Design of the relaxation curve on the azimuth angle calculation, calculation methods and ideas more cumbersome, the first attempt to do some doubts。

Vertical curve design using the "flat package vertical" principle, taking into account the three aspects of flat, vertical and horizontal test slope line, and then cross-sectional inspection check, determine the longitudinal slope, set the vertical curve radius, calculate the design elevation, Sectional view。 The design of the beginning of the slope height is too large, after the adjustment in line with the specifications, straight slope length is generally not less than the calculation of travel speed travel 3s length of travel。 Set the vertical curve, the design as much as possible to use a larger radius, and pay attention to the distance between。

Cross-sectional design Arrangement of road lanes, central piders, sidewalks, shoulders and so on to determine their lateral geometrical dimensions, depending on traffic speed, combined with terrain, and other conditions。 On the basis of the standard cross section, the cross section of each pile is widened and the design is designed to meet the comfort and safety needs of the traffic。

Earth and rock preparation, including horizontal deployment, vertical deployment。 And calculate the debit, discard and total volume。 After the completion of the calculation of the amount of embankment, the earth and stone preparation should be carried out in order to determine the origin of the filling soil, the whereabouts of the excavated land, and the quantity and volume of the earth and stone。 Through the deployment, a reasonable solution to the number of sections of earth and stone balance and the use of the problem, in line with national policy and technical and economic principles, reduce the number of valuations, to avoid unnecessary borrowing and spoil。

The design of the subgrade is to consider the design of the subgrade and the stability of the soil by the arc method。 The arc method pides the soil on the sliding surface of the arc into several vertical soil sections, and calculates the soil along the sliding surface Down force and anti-skid force, and then superimposed to calculate the stability of the entire sliding soil。 Retaining wall is used to support the roadbed fill or hillside soil, to prevent the deformation of soil or soil deformation of a structure。 In highway engineering, it is widely used to support embankment or cutting slope, tunnel openings, bridges at both ends and river bank and so on。 Retaining wall design and drainage facilities layout, due to the whole long, flat terrain in some areas, only enough to provide stability on the slope, so no need to set retaining wall, but some places terrain, filling height is high, need to consider Arrange the various types of retaining walls。
















