毕业论文关键词: 贯通测量,横向贯通误差预计,测边精度,测角精度,陀螺 定向,竖井定向,超长隧道
Abstract This paper design a reasonable measurement program for a 5。5km long cross sea tunnel though expecting the meeting point error in the important direction。 In which the errors of the ground control network, vertical pit orientation and underground traverse are predicted。 The lateral error of the tunnel is carried out。 According to the characteristics of the tunnel and the accuracy requirements, ground GPS control network is designed, vertical shaft orientation program is designed, and underground traverse is designed。 This paper focuses on the method of the gyro edge in the underground traverse, and also carries out the design and analysis of the number of gyro edge and the best position。 Also pointed out that the accuracy of the method of the directional accuracy。 Finally, through the analysis of the error prediction method, the successful completion of the cross sea tunnel through the error is expected, for the long tunnel through the measurement also has a certain reference value。
Key words: Breakthrough measurement,Lateral breakthrough error prediction, Distance measuring accuracy,Angle measuring accuracy,Gyroscope orientation,Vertical pit orientation,Long tunnel
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪 论 1
1。1 选题背景和意义 1
1。3 主要研究内容和技术路线 2
2 隧道工程概况 3
3 隧道工程的控制测量 4
3。1 洞外控制测量 4
3。2 洞内控制测量 6
3。3 竖井联系测量 9
3。3。1 一井定向 10
3。3。2 陀螺经纬仪定向 12
4 隧道贯通误差预计 13
4。1 地面控制网的误差预计 13
4。2 定向误差预计 14
4。3 地下导线的误差预计 14
4。4 总误差预计 15
5 加测陀螺定向边的洞内平面控制测量 16
5。1 陀螺经纬仪概述 16
5。1。1 陀螺经纬仪定向的原理及作用