    摘要:    随着近年来我国国民经济快速稳定的增长,人民生活水平的不断提高,消费者的需求也越来越多样化,开始崇尚个性和时尚,不断追求塑造个性和魅力。其中,较为重要的一方面就是穿着打扮,这也是服装市场日益繁荣的一大重要原因。伴随着众多国外品牌纷纷涌入中国市场,我国本土的服装产业受到了很大的冲击。为了应对愈来愈竞争激烈的环境,本毕业论文以“快时尚”品牌Forever 21的营销模式创新为切入点,通过研究分析其他国外不同品牌的营销模式,了解竞争对手,同时对比本土企业的不足,取长补短,学习到先进的理念和手段,使中国服装行业的营销模式发展得更为完善与成熟,促使我国服装业的竞争力向更高层次转变,改进中国服装市场营销存在的缺陷与不足。20391
    关键词:Forever 21;快时尚;营销模式创新;服装品牌;流行
    The Innovation Study of Marketing Mode of forever21
    Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid and steady growth of China's national economy,  the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the demand of consumer is becoming more and more persified. We begin to advocate inpiduality and fashion, constantly shaping the personality and charm. Among them, the more important aspect is the dress, which is an important reason why clothing market is becoming more and more prosperous. Along with many foreign brands pouring into the Chinese market, the domestic apparel industry has been influenced. In response to an increasingly competitive environment, this article takes the innovation of marketing pattern of "fast fashion" brand Forever 21 as the breakthrough point. We study and analyse other foreign brand marketing model, in order to understand the competitors. At the same time, comparing with domestic companies, we can complement each other. And we can learn advanced ideas and methods to make the development of marketing mode of Chinese garment industry become more perfect and mature, prompting the competitiveness of China's garment industry to a higher level and improving the defects and deficiencies in China's clothing market marketing.
    Keywords:    Forever 21; Fast Fashion; Innovation of Marketing model; Clothing Brand; Fashion
    一、引言    1
    (一)研究背景与意义    1
    1、中国服装行业现在的发展环境和形势    1
    2、中国服装行业的发展前景    2
    (二)FOREVER 21品牌简介    2
    1、创立背景    3
    2、品牌理念    3
    (三)快时尚    4
    1、快时尚定义    4
    2、对中国本土市场的冲击作用和影响    4
    二、营销模式创新理论    6
    (一)营销模式创新理论综述    6
    (二)营销模式创新理论分析    7
    三、Forever 21品牌所面临的机会和挑战    8
    (一)FOREVER 21品牌SWOT分析    8
    1、优势    8
    2、劣势    9
    3、机会    9
    4、威胁    10
    四、Forever 21品牌营销模式创新分析    11
    (一)整合营销创新    11
    (二)渠道营销创新    12
    (三)价值营销创新    13
    结论    15
    致谢    16
    参考文献    17
    中国由于是一个拥有十三亿人口的大国,因此作为服装生产国和消耗国也是全球最大的。而近几年来中国的服装行业有了较大的成长,而服装业的成长又极大地推进了中国国民经济的增长。该行业在中国的经济发展中占有重要的地位。本文通过研究分析Forever 21品牌的营销模式,能借此了解中国服装市场发展的需求,找到最合适的解决方案。同时,也可以加深对于该服装品牌的认识和了解,注重品牌形象的塑造,提高品牌的文化价值。最重要的一点就是对比中国本土品牌营销模式,并结合市场营销的相关理论,帮助提高改善中国服装市场营销实践的新思路,使我国服装行业能够学习到新的理念和手段,最终为了提高企业的市场竞争力。
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