    关键词:建筑业;施工现场 ;安全;评价
    Study on safety evaluation of construction site
    Abstract:The construction industry is a pillar industry of China, we have pay more attention on how to prevent safety accidents in construction site, many  experts and scholars have done a detailed analysis on the causes of accidents
    from many angles, and put forward the corresponding solutions and set up
    early warning system, but these methods have certain limitations and practical operation. Therefore, to choose a method of management and construction suitable for construction site and Strengthen the safety evaluation has important significance to reduce the occurrence of safety accidents. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the factors of the accidents, trying to establish a set of comprehensive, scientific, applicable safety evaluation index, formed a set of site safety inspection standards on this basis, restraining and enhancing the relevant government departments on the construction site safety inspection and safety management work. Put forward reasonable and feasible safety measures to guide
    the dangerous source monitoring and accident prevention,to achieve the lowest accident rate, minimum loss and optimal safety investment.
    Key Words:Construction industry; construction site; security; evaluation
    目  录
    1. 绪论    1
     1.1 研究背景    1
     1.2 研究的意义和目的    2
       1.2.1 研究的意义    2
       1.2.2 研究的目的    2
     1.3 国内外研究现状    2
       1.3.1 国外研究现状    3
       1.3.2 国内研究现状    4
     1.4 论文的主要内容    4
     1.5 研究的方法    6
    2. 施工现场安全评价的基本概念    6
     2.1  施工现场安全评价基本概念    6
      2.1.1 施工现场安全评价的定义    6
      2.1.2 施工现场安全的定义    6
      2.1.3 施工现场安全评价的重要性    6
      2.1.4 施工现场安全评价的特点    7
     2.2 施工现场安全评价的过程    8
    3. 影响施工现场安全的因素与安全指标    9
     3.1影响安全的直接因素    9
      3.1.1人的行为因素    9
      3.1.2 物的不安全状态因素    10
      3.1.3环境因素    10
     3.2 影响安全的间接因素    11
      3.2.1 管理因素    11
      3.2.2 其他因素    11
     3.3 安全评价的指标体系    11
    4. 施工现场安全评价方法    14
     4.1安全评价的一般评价方法    14
      4.1.1加权计分综合评价法    14
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