摘要从我国目前的实际情况来看,我国的社会工作处于行政性与半专业化社会工作的状态,职业性助人活动被划分在社会工作当中。而与此有关的助人系统方面则主要是建立在政府依据身份隶属原则和民间依据差序格局原则的基础之上建立起来的助人体系。因为我国在社会工作方面的经验上相比国外而言还是很多的不足之处,这就需要我们既要学习与吸取国外的先进经验来弥补我们在这一方面的不足,同时亦不可疏忽将社会工作本土化这一任务,而助人效果做为评价社会本土化工作是否到位最重要的标准,这就要求我们在这一过程中要从社会工作本身的特性中出发,注重结合我国的国情与文化特征,理论与实践相结合,优势互补。为了使社会工作本土化能够更为顺利的进行下去,因在中国特殊的国情中政府掌握和控制着大量资源,我们在这一前提下更要尽我们的所能来积极调动与整合各种资源,利用各类群众性团体,以及各类与政府关系密切的相关组织来推动各种社会问题的解决,立足于传统文化,与中国现代化目标相结合,共同的来发展这一事业。社会工作者们必须实现社会工作的本土化。 20869
毕业论文关键词 社会工作本土化 本土性社会工作 助人系统 体制与文化
Title China Social Work Case localization
From our current actual situation, China's social work in the state
administrative and semi-professional social work , occupational
activities to help others in social work is pided among . And helping
with this aspect of the system is mainly based on established principles
of government and civil society based on membership status differential
pattern based on the principle of helping set up the system . Because of
our experience in social work or a lot compared to foreign terms
inadequacies , which requires us both to study and learn from the advanced
experience of foreign countries to make up for our deficiencies in this
regard , but also not neglect the social working localization task , and
help others to assess whether the effect of social localization work as
the most important criteria in place , which requires us to work from the
community in starting their own characteristics in the process , focusing
on the combination of China's national conditions and cultural
characteristics, combining theory and practice , complementary
advantages. To make the localization of social work can proceed more
smoothly , because the government controls a lot of resources to master
and special conditions in China , and we have to do our best in this context
to actively mobilize and integrate various resources , use of various mass
organizations close to the government and various organizations to promote
a variety of social problem solving , based on traditional culture,
combined with China's modernization goals, to develop this common cause .
Social workers who must implement the localization of social work .
Keywords Social Work indigenous social work helping system system
and culture
目 次
1.引言 1
1.1背景 2
1.2研究目的和意义 3
2.文献综述 6
2.1健全制度政策为重点 6
2.2以建设个案社会工作的实施平台为关键 7
2.3以建设专业的队伍为核心 8
2.4以专业教育培训为手段 8
3 对于中国本土性社会工作的认识 10
3.1中国本土性社会工作的认定 . 10
- 上一篇:民办社区福利服务模式的调查研究
- 下一篇:我国非政府组织慈善公益事业困境及对策研究