    关键词:逆向物流 家电企业 价值挖掘 以旧换新
    Title  An Empirical Research on the Performance of Asse
      Restructuring of Listed Companies 
    Today the forward logistics is rapid development, in the forward logistics development by more and more scholars, entrepreneurs began to attach importance to the development of reverse logistics, but the present stage our country industry development situation of reverse logistics is confusion: now, product mainly by vendors, recycling of waste household appliances enterprises,even for their own interests to do something broken the environment.Such behavior in our country cannot maintain and promote sustainable development strategy, and sometimes will be counterproductive.This unit does not as the home appliance reverse logistics implementation main body.But on the other hand implement electrical appliances production enterprise reverse logistics is very rare.Now in China to carry out reverse logistics resources and are significant to the improvement of the environment, to electrical appliances reverse logistics has huge potential in China, to be exploited resources are very rich.As the circular society gradually establish, electrical appliances reverse logistics demand will be increase greatly, the reverse logistics industry will have a bigger development space.
    Keywords: reverse logistics home appliance enterprise value miningold to new
    1.引言:    1
    1.1家电逆向物流的研究背景    1
    1.2家电逆向物流发展潜力    2
    2.我国逆向物流相关理论概述    3
    2.1逆向物流(Reverse Logistics)的定义    3
    2.2 逆向物流的特点    3
    2.3现阶段特征    6
    2.4 逆向物流的分类    6
    3我国家电逆向物流管理所显现出来的问题    7
    3.1家电企业逆向物流体现状分析    7
    3.1基础设施的不完善    8
    3.2 政策法规健全度不高    8
    3.3 信息技术较为落后    8
    3.4 企业自身能力的缺乏    9
    3.5 相关社会效益不被重视    9
    3.6 实际中操作水品比较低    9
    4 家电逆向物流发展的潜在价值    10
    4.1 家电逆向物流能够提升消费者的满意度,增加客户价值    10
    4.2 减低成本,节约资源    11
    4.3 优化环境    11
    4.4 改良产品    11
    5 家电企业潜在价值挖掘策略探究    12
    5.1 改进产品设计    12
    5.2 提升回收废品的效率    12
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