    关键词  小学阶段  外来务工人员子女  学习动机
    Title    The research on learning motivation of migrant   
    worker’s elementary  level children              
    With the development of the reform and opening up, the number of migrant workers is increasing gradually, and the flow trend is turning into family-stream. Not only are the migrant workers, also their children are attracting more attention from the society. However, in the existing studies, there is not much research on the learning situation of migrant workers’ children. Therefore, this study uses questionnaires to investigate the learning motivation and factors of migrant workers’ elementary level children in Nanjing to provide the children some advice on enhancing their learning motivation and improve academic performance. The findings of this study involve the three followings:
    (1)The learning motivation of the only children of migrant workers is stronger than the children who are not one-child.
    (2)Personal learning interest , learning attitude, self-efficacy and learning motivation of migrant workers’ elementary school children have significant positive correlation with their learning motivation.
    (3)Family relationship of migrant workers’ elementary school children have significant positive correlation with learning motivation.
    (4)School factors,including school environment, teaching level,
    teacher's attention, the relationship between teachers and students have no significant correlation with learning motivation of migrant workers’ elementary school children.
    Keywords  Primary school   migrant workers children  learning motivation
    目   次 
    1  绪论    1
    1.1问题的提出    1
    1.2研究目的    2
    1.3研究意义    2
    2   文献综述    3
    2.1相关概念    3
    2.2 研究现状    3
    2.3 小结    6
    3   研究方法    6
    3.1资料收集方法    6
    3.2研究对象    7
    3.3研究假设    7
    3.4研究工具    8
    4   研究结果与分析    8
    4.1 南京市外来务工人员子女小学阶段学生基本情况调查分析    8
    4.2 小学阶段外来务工人员子女学习动机状况分析    10
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