    From Jingdong Mall to see The development of network marketing
    Abstract:With the development of social economy and the popularity of the network technology, online shopping has become more and more important part in people's life. Electronic technology is constant innovation; network marketing is developing rapidly in recent years. Network marketing is a kind of innovation in the traditional marketing mode; it is one of the enterprise marketing strategies. Network marketing is an advanced way of marketing campaigns by using electronic information technology. Compared with the United States and other developed countries, -commerce in China started late but developed quickly. There are some problems to be solved in the course of its development such as Security, ideas, policies and regulations, transaction costs, service competition. In this paper, jingdong mall in event planning and marketing promotion, brand establishment and the innovation of the product sales, Research and analysis of network marketing strategy, reputation, brand and other issues, according to the characteristics of the current market, comparing the network marketing and traditional marketing, through the investigation and study, combine theory with practice, put forward the scientific system, and further prospect to the development of network marketing.
    KeyWords: Network Marketing; Jingdong; integration study; innovation; explore
    目 录
    引 言    1
    一、绪论    2
    (一) 课题研究的背景和意义    2
    1、 课题的研究背景    2
    (二) 课题研究的现状和趋势    2
    1、 课题的研究现状    2
    2、 课题的研究趋势    3
    二、网络营销与传统营销发展概况    4
    (一)网络营销与传统营销概况与区别    4
    1、网络营销与传统营销的概念    4
    2、网络营销与传统营销的区别    4
    3、网络营销与传统营销的结合    5
    (二)网络营销的发展现状    5
    三、京东商城网络营销概况及存在的问题    6
    (一)京东商城网络营销概况与现状    6
    (二)京东商城网络营销存在的问题    9
    1、商品质量把控不严    9
    2、信用体系还不健全    9
    3、虚假宣传,误导消费者    10
    4、物流配送存在漏洞    10
    5、售后服务尚不完善    11
    四、 京东商城网络营销探索    12
    (一)保证商品质量    12
    (二) 建立信用体系,树立品牌形象    12
    (三)促销让利吸引消费者    13
    (四)广告营销到位,杜绝虚假宣传    13
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