    毕业论文关键词: 空巢老人;养老需求;养老保障
    The research for pension needs and pension security of rural Empty nesters    
    Abstract:Since the 21st century, with increasing aging population as well as small family structure has become the mainstream of the current situation in rural areas also will be empty nesters more. And under the city's empty nesters comparison, pension resources available in rural empty nesters less, this group is much more fragile and more likely to be overlooked. They face many pension dilemmas, such as the weakening of the traditional concept of retirement; the pension crisis is getting worse. In addition, empty nesters also face the burden of the economy, the lack of spiritual care and other issues. Rural old-age security problem solving empty nesters, not only to give full play to the role of the community, to develop rural communities, more important is to straighten out their own mind, to look at the front of the empty nest phenomenon. In this paper, the demand for old-age empty nesters and rural old-age security issues are discussed to analyze and to develop proactive policies and measures to protect the rural old-age empty nesters basic ideas put forward.
    Key Words:rural Empty nesters;pension needs;pension security
    目    录
    一、 导论    1
    (一) 研究背景    1
    (二) 研究目的和意义    1
    (三) 文献综述    1
    1. 国内研究综述    1
    2. 国外养老政策的梳理    3
    (四) 研究方法    3
    二、农村空巢老人的现状    4
    (一) 空巢老人的界定    4
    (二) 空巢老人的成因    4
    三、农村空巢老人的需求探索    5
    (一) 经济收入需求    5
    (二) 日常生活与医疗需求    5
    (三) 精神需求    6
    四、农村空巢老人养老保障现有困境    8
    (一) 经济上的困境    8
    (二) 看病贵,看病难    8
    (三) 机构缺失,缺乏照料    9
    五、农村空巢老人养老保障治理对策    10
    (一)加大财政支持,注重制度建设    10
    (二)提高老年生活质量,优化养老服务与社区服务    10
    (三)提倡社会孝道,尊老、敬老、爱老    11
    结论    12
    参考文献    12
    致谢    13
    附件    14        
    一、 导论
    (一) 研究背景
    第优尔届人口普查显示,约13.26%的总人口,也就是1.77亿人的中国人,年龄是大于60岁的,根据国际公认的标准,如果人口的7%以上是65岁,总人数的10%是60岁,意着该国或该地区已经进入老龄化社会[ ]。在新世纪伊始,中国将会受到银发浪潮的影响。
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