摘 要:随着经济的快速发展,带动橱柜行业兴起,同时丰富了人们的厨房体验。众多橱柜企业为了抓住机遇扩大市场,竞争愈演愈烈。面对激励的市场竞争环境,如何留住原有行啊的顾客不转移到其他品牌,如何吸引新的消费者购买本品牌的橱柜,如何提升顾客忠诚度等问题,这些都是企业需要思考的问题。如果在橱柜市场上,没有大量忠诚的顾客,各个厂家只是一味的靠价格或者促销方式的不同来夺取市场的话,对于很多企业来说很难取得较高的利润并保持长期稳定的发展。所以本文首先对杭州富阳方太橱柜店的经营状况进行分析,然后设计问卷进行数据分析,在此基础上研究方太橱柜顾客忠诚的现状,再提出相关建议策略,从而达到提升杭州富阳方太橱柜店顾客忠诚度的目的。94558
Abstract: With the rapid development of the economy, the development of the ambry industry and the kitchen experience of the people are enriched。 Many ambry companies in order to seize the opportunity to expand the market,competition is intensifying。how to retain the original line of customers don't transfer to other brands, how to attract new consumers to buy the brand of ambry, how to improve customer loyalty, these are problems we need to think about。If in ambry market, without a large number of loyal customers, each manufacturer just on different prices or promotions to gain market,for many companies, it is difficult to obtain a higher profit and insurance A long-term stable development。 So this paper management situation of Hangzhou Fuyang FOTILE cabinet shop is analyzed, and then design the questionnaire data analysis, then find out the problems and reasons of FOTILE cabinet loyalty, so as to improve the Hangzhou Fuyang FOTILE cabinet shop customer loyalty。
Keywords:Customer loyalty,Cabinet, Factors
1 引言 3
2 顾客忠诚度相关概念 3
2。1 “顾客”与“顾客忠诚” 3
2。2 顾客忠诚的分类 3
2。3 顾客忠诚度的测量 4
3 杭州富阳方太橱柜店现状分析 4
3。1 杭州富阳店方太橱柜介绍 4
3。2 方太橱柜顾客忠诚度影响因素分析 4
4 数据收集与数据分析 6
4。1 问卷设计 6
4。2 数据收集 6
4。3 数据分析 6
4。4 分析结论与建议 13
5 提升杭州富阳方太橱柜顾客忠诚度策略 13
5。1 提高顾客满意度 13
5。2 提高服务质量 14
5。3 提升品牌形象 14
5。4 提高认识和留住顾客理念 14
5。5 奖励顾客忠诚促进转推荐积极性 15
总 结 16
参考文献 17
附 录 19
1 引言