    关键词  网络舆情  链式反应  演化规律
    Title    Network public opinion chain effect analysis of the structure relationship and its evolution regularity
    With the high speed development of information technology and the rapid growth of economic, modern society is increasingly highlighted its vulnerability. Emergency network public opinion has been occurred frequently ,at the same time, it also accompanied by secondary events of network public opinion, formed a chain effect, thereby it cause loss to the significant social, seriously disrupt people's normal social life, become a social unrest element for normal operation of the impact. Therefore, chain structure of network public opinion and the different law of the evolution worth exploring and analyzing in order to better forecast warning.
    Combining with the case in nanjing in February 2014, the official couple beat the little nurse , based on the several patterns of network public opinion chain reaction, the paper analyzes the relationship between the structure of the event, as well as the law of development, and puts forward some suggestions to avoid chain reaction, to help decision makers make better management decisions for chain reaction brought about by the crisis of network public opinion events.
    Keywords  network public opinion  chain reaction  evolution
    目   次
    1 引言    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究目标与意义    1
    1.3 文章的结构和研究方法    1
    2 基础理论    3
    2.1 网络舆情    3
    2.2 网络舆情链式反应(连锁反应)    4
    2.3 国内外研究现状    5
    3 链式反应(连锁反应)的结构形式及其演化机理    6
    3.1 链式反应(连锁反应)的结构形式    6
    3.2 网络舆情事件链的演化模型    8
    4 案例分析    11
    4.1 事件回顾    11
    4.2 实例分析    11
    5 对策建议    17
    5.1 加强监测    17
    5.2 专家释疑    17
    5.3 提升群众抗压能力    17
    5.4 断链灭险    17
    5.5 及时公布信息    18
    5.6 提高政府、媒体的公信力    18
    结  论    19
    致  谢    20
    参考文献211 引言
    1.1 研究背景
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