    毕业论文关键词  城市轨道交通 突发事件 复杂网络 应急管理 应急预案 应急公交联动
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title    Study on emergency mechanism of urban    mass transit for unexpected events            
    This paper conducted a study of the emergence and development of urban rail transit through Literature research, comprehensive analysis and summarized, elaborated current development situation of urban rail transit and major rail accidents and their causes; reviewed the aspects of urban rail transit, emergency and emergency management domestic and foreign; it focused on the characteristics and classification and grading rail emergencies.
    A network modeling was made in the case of opened lines and planning routes in Nanning on the basis of graph the theory of graph theory, complex networks, complex networks, emergency management, case-based reasoning and other related theories studies, and conducted a simulated network of nodes fail. And analyzed the communication efficiency and performance of invulnerability of opened lines and planning routes in Nanning. Put forward some feasible suggestions to urban rail transit network construction and site emergency prevention, management.
    This paper did a research on structure of response system emergency procedures, emergency plans concept, emergency management principles, contingency plans response process in Urban Rail Transit Emergency Management in this paper。
    Via the analysis of passenger behavior and psychology during urban mass traffic emergency,And the characteristics of passenger flow in rail transit, proposed the method of Emergency passenger evacuation, which includes train operation adjustment, the use of temporary emergency reentry Station Line Routing and implementation of emergency bus linkage, modeled and simulation and optimal path calculation of optimal evacuation path set open when the emergency temporary Crossing.
    Keywords  Urban Mass Transit   emergency     Emergency Management  
    Complex network    Emergency Plan    Emergency bus linkage
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