    Bridge Construction Site Management
    -The Case Study on Shanghai-based engineering company
    Abstract:Since entering twenty-first Century, the urbanization process of China is getting faster and faster, so the transportation infrastructure construction is developing rapidly, the road and bridge construction is playing an increasingly important role.. At present, the construction of the task of our country is very heavy, mainly because of the difficulty of construction, the construction time is short, the construction management personnel shortage and so on. .Under the existing conditions, the management of road and bridge construction site is of great significance for the urbanization of our country. The Shanghai Foundation Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Channel 4 section as an example, first of all, the characteristics of road and bridge construction site management, strategies and methods, the foundation engineering company of Shanghai Road and bridge construction site management are analyzed. Finally, in-depth analysis with examples, was found on the construction site, and the related problems summarized as quality management, safety management, schedule management, cost management, and puts forward feasible solutions or improvement measures to solve these problems.
    Keyword:Construction management; Roads and Bridges; Problem; Countermeasure.
    目  录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)    课题研究意义及方法    1
    (二)    相关文献综述    1
    二、路桥施工现场管理    3
    (一)    路桥施工现场管理的特点    3
    1、施工现场管理较复杂    3
    2、不可控因素多    3
    3、施工形式多样    3
    (二)    路桥施工现场管理的策略    3
    1、安全管理    3
    2、成本管理    4
    3、质量管理    4
    4、进度管理    4
    (三)    路桥施工现场管理的方法    4
    1、保证施工现场的施工质量    4
    2、完善监督体系,保证质量安全    5
    3、加强现场各岗位人员之间的协调管理    5
    三、上海东西通道4标段施工现场管理    6
    (一)    上海基础工程公司概述    6
    (二)    上海东西通道4标段工程概述    6
    1、施工区分布    6
    2、周边环境概况    7
    3、工程前期完工情况    8
    4、目前正在施工情况    8
    (三)    上海东西通道4标段的施工现场管理    8
    1、安全管理    8
    2、成本管理    8
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