    摘要:随着城市不同程度的发展,愈加明显的呈现出经济差异。在此情况下,越来越多的人选择进入到发达城市谋生,期望改变命运。本文运用问卷调查以及访谈的方法对Y社区的外来人口的文化适应及其社会融入进行研究调查。以不同的角度(经济、文化、社会制度等)掌握与分析外来人口在进入上海后的社会融入现状、存在困境、影响因素。本文认为,外来人口影响外来人员社会融入的因素包括内在、外在两部分。外在主要是由于国家政策的制定,人为的控制了外来人员的流入,使其福利待遇、社会保障与本地居民存在差异。而内在因素则主要是由于外来人员自身的态度和心理上的感知。针对以上问题,本文从户籍制度改革、积极推进社区服务、建立健全社会保障制度、加强法律意识四个方面对外来人口社会融入提出措施。 29747
    The Cultural Adaptation and Social Iintegration of Migrant Popultion in ShangHai : Take Y community as an example
    Abstract: With the different development among the cities, the economic gap is increasingly widen .In this case, more and more people choose to make a living in the developed city and dream to change their life. This article aims at investigating cultural adaptation and social integration of migrant population in Y community by the questionnaire and the interview and analyzing the social integration status、dilemma that face migrant population after they choose to live in Shanghai and the influencing factors of social integration.In this article ,there are two aspects, internal and external, which can affect social integration .The external reasons are mainly due to the formulation of national policies, which control the inflow of migrant population and cause the difference in social welfare and security between migrant population and local residents. And the internal reasons are mainly due to the attitudes and the psychological perceptions of migrant population .Finally , there are some measures will be put forward in the thesis such as the reform of the household registration system,promotion of community service, establishment and improvement of the social security system and  enhancement of the he legal consciousness etc.
    Key words:  Migrant population; Cultural adaptation; Social integration
    目  录
    一、研究背景与问题的提出    1
    (一)研究的背景    1
    (二)研究的问题    1
    (三)研究的意义    2
    二、文献探讨与研究切入    4
    (一)文献综述    4
    (二)已有研究的不足    4
    (三)研究的切入点    5
    三、外来人口文化适应的状况描述:上海Y社区的观察经验    6
    四、上海外来人口文化适应的因素分析:Y社区呈现的上海图像    7
    (一)文化融合    7
    (二)经济融入    8
    (三)社会认同    9
    (四)社会保障制度的差异    11
    (五)上海本地人对外来人员的影响    11
    五、上海外来人口社会适应中的文化困境    13
    (一)交流的隔阂    13
    (二)观念的差异    13
    (三)行为习惯的不同    13
    (四)社会歧视    14
    优尔、促进上海外来人口社会融入的文化适应策略与配套措施    15
    (一)户籍制度改革    15
    (二)积极推进社区服务    15
    (三)建立健全社会保障制度    15
    (四)加强法律意识    16
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