    Development strategy research of China's cloud computing enterprises—— Ali cloud for example
    Abstract:As a new industry and technology, cloud computing provide a rich mixture of applications and services for enterprises operations and personal life. But in China, the development and technology of cloud computing is later and underdeveloped, besides there are some problems in developing of enterprises. Firstly, this paper introduces the concept, forms, and features of cloud computing, and the development situation in foreign countries. Then explain the research methods PEST analysis, porter five models, on this basis, summarizes the current situation of the development of cloud computing in our country. Then analyzes the cloud computing market environment faced by enterprises from the perspective of macro and industry, and take Ali cloud as an example analyses its existing development strategy and the deficiencies. Finally, based on the current situation of the development of domestic cloud computing enterprises, puts forward three countermeasures and Suggestions:take advantage of the external environment to open up the cloud market; service and standard innovation; build the core competitiveness and improve brand loyalty.
    Keywords: cloud computing; PEST analysis; development strategy; core competitiveness.
    一、引言    1
    二、相关文献综述    2
    (一)云计算的概念    2
    1、云计算的类型    2
    2、云计算的特点    3
    (二)国外发展现状    4
    (三)相关基础理论    5
    1、PEST分析    5
    2、波特五力模型    5
    三、我国云计算的发展现状    6
    (一)我国云计算发展概况    6
    1、起步较晚、但发展迅速    6
    2、国内外企业竞争加剧    6
    (二)存在的问题    7
    1、用户认知不足    7
    2、安全问题时有发生    7
    3、缺乏统一标准    7
    四、我国云计算企业市场环境及发展模式    8
    (一)宏观环境分析    8
    1、政治环境    8
    2、经济环境    8
    3、社会环境    9
    4、技术环境    9
    (二)行业环境分析    10
    1、供方议价能力    10
    2、买方议价能力    10
    3、潜在的进入者    11
    4、替代品威胁    11
    5、行业内现有竞争者之间的竞争    12
    (三)我国云计算企业发展模式    12
    五、案例分析——阿里云计算    14
    (一)阿里云简介    14
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