    毕业论文外 文 摘 要
    The product is an enterprise, and product strategy and marketing. Any marketing activities of the final purpose is to consumer product sales.Enterprise's product strategy will determine the success of enterprise competitiveness.In the increasingly competitive today, more and more enterprises in marketing, when the transfer to the natural product strategy. So the product strategy is quite necessary.
    As the development of a 41-year veteran of the cosmetics business, planting the PLANT has not limited to development and production of cosmetics, she leads the beauty and fashion a more professional, more standardized and persified, fully open the door to millions of beauty beauty careers.Company history-for different target markets in different regions, cultural differences, and planting the PLANT will always have the corresponding product policy as a basis for development.Based on planting the PLANT as object, starting from the domestic cosmetics industry, analysis of planting the PLANT of all stages of the development process and different regions adopted different strategies and the key to success, aims to plant her future product strategy and strategic planning to make an objective, rational analysis, and for the development of China's cosmetics industry to get new ideas.
    Keywords:PLANT, Product strategies, Development suggestion
    1. 引言7
    1.1 研究背景 7
    1.2 研究对象 7
    1.3 研究内容 7
    1.4 研究目的 8
    2. 相关理论综述 8
    2.1 产品策略理论综述 8
    2.2 产品生命周期理论综述 9
    2.3 产品组合策略综述 11
    2.4 品牌策略理论综述 11
    2.5 产品定位理论综述 11
    3.  本土化妆品行业现状 12
    3.1 经济格局 12
    3.2 产业格局 12
    3.3 品牌格局 13
    3.4 市场环境 13
    3.5 本土化妆品企业面临的问题 15
    3.6 化妆品行业发展趋势预测 17
    4. 植丽素产品策略分析 19
    4.1 植丽素介绍 19
    4.2 植丽素产品整体概念 19
    4.3 植丽素产品组合分析 19
    4.4 植丽素产品生命周期策略分析 21
    4.5 植丽素品牌建设 22
    5.  植丽素的错误及思考 22
    5.1 青春密码系列上市初期的错误定位 22
    5.2 忽略地域文化消费差异 23
    5.3 植丽素产品策略及思考 23
    6.  本土化妆品企业发展建议 24
    结论 27
    致谢 28
    参考文献 29
    1 引言
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