    关键词  高速铁路;管理;恶劣环境;层次分析法;模糊综合评价
    Title Study on the operation and management in the adverse environment of high-speed railway
    High-speed railway in the harsh environment of operation management is to management factors,equipment factors, environmental impact, personnel management and other operational status of the data as the foundation for the comprehensive assessment of the state of high-speed railway operation, and carries on the forecast to the future development. Therefore, the research of the bad environment can help improve the safety operation management level of high speed railway, and improve the existing problems of high-speed railway in operation and reduce the risk of high-speed railway operation.. Under harsh environment of high-speed rail operation is to the high-speed railway operation system for comprehensive analysis, to find out the influencing factors affected the safe operation, and on this basis find representativeness and has scientific significance and access to facilitate data indicators, established high-speed railway safety camp index system and analyzed. This paper mainly uses the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy evaluation theory to analyze the safe operation of high-speed railway, and forecast the safety operation of China's high-speed railway.
    Keywords: High-speed railway  Adverse  Management  Analytic Hierarchy process  Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
    目   录
    1 引言    1
    1.1 选题背景及意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    3
    1.3 国内外研究现状总结    6
    1.4 论文主要研究内容    7
    2 恶劣环境下高速铁路运营安全事故致因分析    8
    2.1 降雨对高速铁路的影响    8
    2.2 横风对高速铁路的影响    8
    2.3 降雪对高速铁路的影响    9
    2.4 雷电对高速铁路的影响    9
    2.5 地震对高速铁路的影响    9
    2.6 温度对高速铁路的影响    9
    3 恶劣环境下高速铁路运营安全的评价模型    11
    3.1 人员影响因素    11
    3.2 设备状态的影响因素    13
    3.3 管理的影响因素    14
    3.4 环境的影响因素    14
    4 基于模糊层次分析法的高速铁路综合评价模型建立    16
    4.1 层次分析法确定指标权重    16
    4.2 模糊综合评价模型    19
    5 中国高速铁路现状及案例分析    21
    5.1 运营线路现状    21
    5.2 层次分析法的应用    23
    5.3 模糊综合评价模型    28
    5.4 结果分析    29
    结论    31
    致谢    32
    参考文献    33
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