    The study of old people life quality in pension institutions
                    ——Shanghai nursing homes as an example
    Abstract: Shanghai is China's first step into the aging of the population city, also is the highest level of aging megacities in the country. Overall, the aging of the population of Shanghai features include: enter an aging society, the high speed, high degree of early, aging, etc., large number of elderly people, old people who live alone, empty nest family need to take care of the expanded year by year. Large elderly services provide a broad space for pension institutions, including supply and demand are important issues in the development of pension agency services. In economic and social transition, the change of government function, the function of family endowment weakening, under the joint action of the factors such as the Shanghai pension agency service demand is huge, but due to the pension agency service development relative lag, the levels of blood supply and can’t meet the increasing demand. Thus, high quality social endowment service has become the inevitable choice to solve the problem of pension. Through this study to survey the elderly pension group in Shanghai, to understand the current situation of the human life quality and dynamic change, the analysis of the influencing factors on the quality of the endowment agencies the elderly life, thus to improve the endowment agencies in Shanghai environment, improve the quality of life of the elderly pension institutions to provide feasible Suggestions and professional actions.
     Keywords: Pension institutions; Old people; Life quality; Social work
    目 录
    机构养老老人生活质量研究    1
    ——以上海市养老院为例    1
    绪 论    2
    一、 研究背景及意义    2
    二、 文献综述    3
    (一) 国外相关文献    3
    (二) 国内相关文献    4
    (三) 文献评述    5
    三、 相关理论和研究方法    5
    (一) 相关概念    5
    1、养老机构    5
    2、老年人    5
    3、生活质量    6
    4、社会工作    6
    (二) 研究方法    7
    1、文献资料法    7
    2、问卷调查法    7
    四、 上海市养老机构老人生活质量调查结果与分析    9
    (一) 养老机构老人的基本情况    9
    1、养老机构老人的一般情况    9
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