    摘要:本文使用访谈和实地调研的方法进行综合论证,针对上海市金山区“老伙伴”计划低龄助高龄、邻里互助养老新方式的发展,重点分析了现阶段该养老方式存在的问题,包括“老伙伴”计划在群众中的知晓度不够高、“时间银行”储蓄系统开发不完善、服务要求偏高志愿者压力大等。而这些问题产生的原因主要为项目的宣传力度不够、系统研发者不熟悉项目、政策制定者没有深入群众等,只有通过扩大项目宣传力度、建立有效的激励机制、不断完善时间储蓄系统、贴近老年群体了解他们的实际需求等方式才能不断地完善这个项目。同时 社会新型养老方式的成功发展需要坚持从地域的实际情况出发,找到适合自身特点的发展方式,这样才能让新型的养老方式更加适应和适合在该地域实行。35407
    The Exploration of New Endowment Way----Take the “old partner”Project as Example
    Abstract: In this article, using the methods of interview and on-the-spot investigation to analysis the development of "old partner" program in Jinshan District, Shanghai in which using the young olds to help the older one, mainly analysis the problems of this endowment way, including the public awareness is not high enough, "the time bank" saving system is not perfect, the high pressure causing by strict service requirements and so on. Causes of these problems are mainly for the project propaganda is poor, system developers are not familiar with the project, policy makers do not go deep among the masses, and the only way to solve these problem and improve this project is to expansion project publicity, establish an effective incentive mechanism, improve the time saving systems and to understand the actual needs of elderly population etc. At the same time, the successful development of a new endowment way need to proceed from the actual situation of the region, to find a suitable way in the development of its own characteristics, so as to make the new way of pension more adaptable and suitable for practiced in the region.
    KeyWords: the “old partner” project; endowment
    目  录
    一、引言    5
    (一) 研究背景    5
    (二)研究意义    5
    (三)研究现状    5
    (四)研究方法    6
    1、访谈法    6
    2、资料分析方法    6
    (五)主要研究内容    7
    二、当前我国养老方式现状    7
    (一)家庭养老    7
    1、优势    7
    2、劣势    8
    (二)机构养老    8
    1、优势    8
    2、劣势    8
    (三)社区养老    9
    1、优势    9
    2、劣势    9
    三、社会新型养老方式的探索——“老伙伴”计划实施情况    9
    (一)“老伙伴”计划基本情况    9
    1、推行时间    9
    2、参与对象    10
    3、项目内容    10
    4、管理模式    10
    (二)金山区老伙伴计划实施现状    11
    1、挖掘社区潜在低龄资源    11
    2、对高龄独居老人加以重点关注    11
    3、为低龄老年人提供老有所为的平台    11
    4、 培育高素质、乐于奉献的优秀志愿者    11
    四、 “老伙伴”计划运行中产生的问题    12
    (一)“老伙伴”计划在群众中的知晓度不够高    12
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